Get ready to take the educational journey of a lifetime! Join the hundreds of TU students who study abroad or away each year — for a summer,
Minimester, Spring Break, semester or full academic year. You will acquire cross-cultural
skills, observe how your academic field is studied and practiced elsewhere, and enhance
your prospects in today's dynamic work field.
I had an absolutely amazing time while studying abroad in Italy and made memories
(and friendships) that I will hold with me for the rest of my life! So grateful for
the opportunity to study abroad and highly recommend it to any TU student.
Morgan Eibner, Psychology major - Italy
Top Five Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I go? Programs are offered worldwide in more than 60 countries and throughout the United
States. Find out more.
When can I study abroad or away? Opportunities are available in the spring, fall, summer, Minimester, and academic
year. Students interested in studying abroad or away for a semester or more must complete
30 credits prior to departure while faculty-led programs are open to everyone! You
may study abroad/away in your final year or semester at TU and there are options for
both undergraduate and graduate students.
What classes can I take? You may take courses toward your major, minor, Core, or electives.
How much does it cost? Costs vary depending on the program you choose and length of stay. Exchanges cost
about the same as tuition and fees for a semester and/or year at Towson University
(excluding travel).
Can I use scholarships or financial aid to pay for study abroad? Yes! Check our Financial Aid and Scholarships section for more information.