Stratus Financials
TU’s modern business platform and budget planning system can be accessed through the Stratus Financials tile on MyTU
Get help conducting university business, accessing technology, and utilizing campus amenities to support your work and learning.
Access your Student & University Billing Office account to make bill payments and remove holds. Contact the Auxiliary Services Business Office or access the eParking Portal to purchase parking permits and pay citations. Faculty and staff should pay university bills through Accounts Payable.
The Office of Technology Services can help you manage your username, password and other NetID tools, including Duo devices and sponsored group management. You can also access Blackboard support and downtime information, or explore options for choosing a web conferencing tool like Webex or Zoom. Tech assistance is available through a wide range of self-help resources, through OTS’ classroom-specific and instructional technology coordinators, or by contacting the Technology Support Desk. Anyone can submit a TechHelp online service request or report a phishing attempt to the Information Security team.
Faculty and staff can locate pay schedules, submit/approve timesheets, access Financial Services forms and get assistance with business travel. The Procurement Office provides guidance on purchasing goods and services for the university, as well as using the ProCard. We publicly post TU’s internal operating budget and offer Stratus Financials training to assist with a variety of business functions, including expenses, invoices, budget reporting and transfers. Internal compliance officers are available to assess departmental compliance and make recommendations.
Opportunities to work with TU are available on our electronic bid board.
Add Doc Dollars and Dining Dollars to your OneCard or replace a lost or missing card at the Auxiliary Services Business Office. Print and copy course materials and design projects, or print on-demand 24/7 using the wēpa cloud system. Low-cost Graphic + Design Services are available to bring your posters and projects to life. You can purchase course materials, school supplies and TU gear at the University Store, or access campus vending machine locations and service/refund information.
For help with technology, students should contact Technology Support Desk, while faculty and staff should contact the OTS Technology Support Desk.
For help with student billing, payments and rebates, contact the Student & University Billing Office.
For help with Payroll, Business Travel and Stratus Financials, contact Financial Services.
For help with OneCards, dining plans, parking citation payments, and event tickets, contact the Auxiliary Services Business Office.
We advance the university’s mission by providing exceptional customer service and fiscally responsible stewardship. We work collaboratively to minimize institutional risk, foster a safe and supportive campus experience, and manage TU’s financial, technological and capital resources so our students, faculty and staff can work, learn and grow. Learn more about our mission and values.