Hussman Center for Adults with Autism



The Hussman Center for Adults with Autism provides cutting-edge programming, training and resources for adults on the autism spectrum, Towson University students, professionals and others in the community.  We offer three primary types of programs:

  • Group programs for neuro-diverse individuals that are offered in the spring, summer and fall featuring inclusive Towson University student involvement
  • College Autism Peer Support (CAPS) for Towson University students who are on the autism spectrum. This program provides support in planning for success as a college student.
  • Friday evening social groups for adults with autism during the spring and fall terms

The Hussman Center also promotes research about our innovative program model and sharing of this model with other universities, professional groups and community organizations.

Information Meetings, Events & Workshops

Information meetings

Group Programs


College Autism Peer Support (CAPS) & Student Information

CAPS & Student Allies

Information about Friday Social Group

Social Group

Our Vision, Mission & History

About Us

Thank you for your support!


Hussman Center featured on WYPR ‘On the Record’

The Hussman Center’s College Orientation Life Activities Program was featured on a local radio program, “On the Record,” on WYPR (an NPR affiliate.)  The 30-minute program focused on autism.  Our portion begins halfway through, a little after the 13:00 minute mark. Listen now.

expectability artwork


Listen to some of our community members as they share their experiences.

If you’re interested in participating, please contact .

Contact Information

Hussman Center For Adults With Autism

7400 York Road
Towson MD 21204

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.