TU Foundation Announces 2024 Grant Recipients
For the sixth consecutive year, the TUF has awarded nearly $100,000 in grants to Towson University projects.
Towson University Foundation, Inc. was established in 1970 as a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation to allow donors to make tax-deductible contributions in support of Towson University scholarships and fellowships, faculty development, research, outreach projects, academic and other programs.
Governed by a board of directors, we are committed to responsible stewardship of the gifts entrusted to us by our many donors. Through the generosity of these alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and individual, foundation and corporate friends, our portfolio continues to grow to support the needs of Towson University and its students.
Towson University Foundation, Inc. exists to manage gifts and other funds received for the benefit of Towson University. The Foundation is organized to receive, hold, invest, manage, use, dispose of and administer property of all kinds whether given absolutely, in trust or by way of agency or otherwise for the benefit and promotion of the university or for all of the education and support activities that may be conducted by the university.
For the sixth consecutive year, the TUF has awarded nearly $100,000 in grants to Towson University projects.
The TU Foundation proudly presents their 2023 Annual Report "RISING Together".
Read about the exciting changes that recently took place for TU Foundation Board of Directors.
“In our next chapter, the TUF Board will continue to be an integral part of the fabric of TU, devoting our time, talent, and resources in support of, and in alignment with, TU’s strategic priorities.”