Giving to Advance Women at TU
Share your passion for TU. Connect. Collaborate. Celebrate the power of women.
Giving to Advance Women at TU.
The Tall-Wiedefeld Society at Towson University is a collective of engaged community members who support positive change through philanthropy and education.
We collaborate. We celebrate women. We invest in TU and its programs. We recognize the collective giving power of women and our ability to make a difference.
The Tall-Wiedefeld Society builds community and creates a permanent legacy to address the needs of young women at TU. Our circle of members serves in leadership roles that make a difference in the lives of students and in the life of TU. The Tall-Wiedefeld Society enriches women’s lives.
“ The impactful work of the Tall-Wiedefeld Society will leave a lasting impression on those women who benefit from the scholarships and grants. It is important that we work collectively, collaboratively and strategically to make sure women live their lives with a sense of self-worth, respect and dignity. ”
A Society Gift of $1,000 or more
A Society Gift of $500 - $999
A Society Gift of $100 - $499