Start your leadership journey
We provide leadership development opportunities for individuals and organizations to drive success.
Learn MoreChallenging the status quo of leadership development. Preparing the leaders of the future.
Developed by leaders, for leaders, the Dr. Nancy Grasmick Leadership Institute offers a values-driven and robust portfolio of offerings for individuals and organizations that create transformational outcomes for leaders at any level in their careers and across all industries. The Institute aspires to positively impact the region and beyond through results-producing and ethical leadership development.
The Institute builds on TU’s ongoing commitment to community and business engagement while serving as a key regional asset—uniquely supporting leadership recruitment, development and retention to allow our state and region to thrive.
We are proud of the principles applied in the design of our portfolio:
Building a transformational Institute requires a collaborative, intensive and strategic approach.
CEOs, senior leaders and leadership experts from across the country provided input
Regional organizations engaged in development process
Comprehensive externally facing Institute to fuel regional leadership
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads a team, works in Human Resources or has an influence on the culture.
8–10:30 a.m.
Hear from leaders on how AI is transforming businesses, about the opportunities and challenges they are experiencing as a result of AI, and what leadership skills are even more critical in the age of AI.