Fueling Leadership
The Cultivating a Vibrant and Winning Culture workshop is supported by St. John Properties.
Learn MoreAccording to Bain & Co., companies that create a winning culture are 3.7 times more likely to be top performers. A primary driver for this is because in great cultures, human potential is unleashed and people are inspired to go above and beyond in service of an organizations’ goals. This workshop is designed for anyone who leads a team, works in Human Resources or has an influence on the culture.
NOTE: We ask that organizations send up to two individuals to this workshop. If your organization is interested in having more individuals participate, we can work with you to create a customized solution to meet your needs and goals.
"I found a lot of value in the engagement portion with other professionals. I love that culture is a shared experience and that we acted that out live during the workshop. Customization of the customer is preached but you don’t often hear it spoken about the actual employee- this was a powerful concept."
"I was able to learn about the experiences of other organizations in regards to work culture and also took away practical strategies I can directly apply within my own unit to maximize the work experience for my unit."
"It allowed me to look at HR operations in a way more related to the culture of our organization."
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