Donor Profile

Meet Lafon Porter

Lafon Porter

F. Lafon Porter ’87 has given to TU, consistently, for the past 10 years. A member of the Dean’s Advisory Council in the Jess and Mildred Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, past executive board member of the Towson Black Alumni Alliance and a member of Phi Beta Sigma, Porter believes giving back is more important than ever. “As I get older, I appreciate the need to continue to support tomorrow’s leaders.”



Your involvement with TU as a volunteer is extensive. Why is giving back to TU—in ways other than monetarily—important?

I was taught as a child to give of your time, talent and treasures. I try to live up to this motto. Often, giving financially is the easy option. But giving of your time and talent can have an equally important impact.

You have given consistently to the Barnes-Harris Scholarship, which supports incoming freshman from the metropolitan public high schools. Why?

I selected Barnes-Harris because those are two individuals on whose shoulders I stand. I owe Ms. Barnes and Ms. Harris more than I can ever repay. By giving back, I hope those who benefit will also pay it forward. 

How has TU influenced the trajectory of your life, personally and professionally?

I met my wife of 33 years, Gersha, at TU. And my son, Dawson, graduated from TU in 2022. I can say, without exaggeration, but for Towson, I would not have my beautiful family that make me so proud. I also owe my long-standing career at IBM to TU. I landed my job as an intern my senior year and have remained there for more than 37 years.