From Towson, With Love
At TU, thousands of romances have blossomed in dorm rooms, dining halls and at dance parties — no swiping right necessary.
Agnes Geisler's Story
Class of 2009 | Business Administration

Matt and I were both part of a campus ministry called Cru.
My roommate and I went to the first meeting of the semester my freshman year, and Matt was the emcee. They would do this thing after the meeting where’d you go do something fun, so we walked to this ice cream shop on York Road. When I was in high school, there was this online cartoon called “Homestar Runner.” I had on a shirt that had a picture of one of the characters, and Matt recognized it.
My roommate and I ended up becoming friends with Matt and others at Cru. Matt was super outgoing, goofy and didn't care what people thought. That was really refreshing to me.
I asked him out on our first date. Spring semester I took a ballroom dancing class. You had to go dancing somewhere outside of class, so I asked Matt if he would come with me. We walked to the Towson Armory in the rain to go swing dancing. We stayed the whole time, dancing with old people and eating cookies. The following week, we had lunch at the Glen, and he asked me to be his girlfriend.
My senior year we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. He hands me this letter and the front says, “For the past.” I was like, "Oh my gosh, this can only end one way. This is happening." But I tried to keep cool. After dinner we walked around on campus. We were sitting by the baseball field, and he hands me another letter. This letter says, "For the present." It's talking about how much we love each other. Then we went to a bench near Stephens Hall, and he gives me a rose and says, “I have one more letter for you, but I'm going to read it to you.” And so, he reads me this letter that’s about the future. When he finishes, he gets down on one knee, and he asks me to marry him.
This October we will celebrate 15 years of marriage. We have two awesome kids. He’s such a great dad, hard-working man, loves the Lord and so fun to be with.
Matt Geisler's Story
Class of 2009 | Communication Studies

I had a few different options for college, but I decided to go to Towson for communications studies. Towson impacted my life in a huge way. I met my wife and so many wonderful friends there. The contacts I got from there got me an internship at my first job, which landed me my first job at PayPal, which has now become a 15-year career.
I met Agnes at a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. We were walking to an ice cream social after one of our weekly meetings, and I remember she was wearing a “Homestar Runner” T-shirt. I was like, “Oh, ‘Homestar Runner’ is hilarious. Let me talk with this cute gal.”
I thought that she was just a lot of fun to be around. We always had a great time together just spending time around campus.
When I decided to propose I decided to do a multi-stage thing, which worked out great. I had a series of several letters that I wrote to her. One I gave to her at dinner and then the next at the place on campus where we had our first kiss. And then the last I gave to her in front of Stephens Hall at a spot where we would hang out. There’s a little garden right in front where I proposed. There were lots of tears on both of our parts. It seemed like a thoughtful way to do it, and it helped me express the way I felt in a way that I wouldn't mess up in the moment.
We got married in Savage Mill, and we went on our honeymoon to El Dorado Royale on the Mexican Riviera — it was an amazing time. I love what a kind and caring person she is. I love seeing the way she interacts with me and our children and at our church. She’s always serving and caring for others. One of the main reasons I married her is how she cares for other people and will always work hard for them.