Moving on Up: Sean Fenlon ’90

Founder and CEO of Symphony42 

Sean Fenlon

Most people wouldn’t connect even a crooked line between playing bassoon and creating a business-to-business AI-powered customer acquisition service. But to serial entrepreneur Sean Fenlon ’90, they’re in perfect harmony.

“When you have to defend your doctoral dissertation in front of a committee of really smart professors, that gets you ready for the boardroom,” Fenlon says. “Analyzing an orchestral score and having to do transpositions in your head from alto clef to treble clef in real time and seeing how every line relates with every other line gets you ready to evaluate an income statement or a profit and loss statement.”

Fenlon’s first business is the only one (so far) that had anything to do with music. After that, he founded customer acquisition and online marketing businesses. His latest venture—Symphony42, the sales and marketing platform built on top of ChatGPT—may be his opus.

“From the beginning days of all the way to the intersection of digital ads, performance marketing, lead generation and customer acquisition, we’ve combined that with this incredible world of AI,” he says. “This is the big one. All the other ones were just prelude.”