TU President Mark R. Ginsberg is announcing a series of structural changes to the university leadership team as a means to streamline efficiency and establish an executive team among the cabinet.
Effective this week, the cabinet will include an Executive Leadership Team to include President Ginsberg, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Melanie Perreault and Senior Vice Presidents Vernon Hurte, Steve Jones and Ben Lowenthal. 
The composition of the remainder of the cabinet remains the same and will work closely with the Executive Leadership Team in support of university priorities.
Hurte, who joined TU in 2020, will be Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & University Life. He will now report to President Ginsberg.
Jones, who joined TU in 2018, will be Senior Vice President for Campus Operations and Chief Operations Officer. He will retain his role as Chief Human Resources Officer, as well. The Office of Public Safety will now report to Jones in an effort to streamline campus operations under a singular organization. 
Lowenthal, who joined TU in 2018, will be Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Fiscal Officer. 
Perreault, who joined TU in 2019, continues in her role as Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Division of Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, under the leadership of Vice President Daraius Irani, will now report to Perreault.
Tameka Porter joins the Office of the President as Special Assistant to the President. Porter, who has a Ph.D. in Public Policy Analysis from George Mason, joined TU this month from the Maryland State Department of Education, where she was an executive director.

An updated leadership team list and organizational chart can be found on the Office of the President website.