Tiger Tuesday: a Q&A with Javon Henderson '17

This article is part of an occasional series introducing you to our Tigers.

By Megan Bradshaw on May 15, 2017

Javon Henderson, ’17, sport management major / business administration minor 

Tell me about where you’re from.

I’m from Prince George’s County. My favorite part of growing up there was I had a close-knit group of friends from the time I was about six to about 17, and we still all hang out together. I was heavily involved in sports, so we’d play sports and go to the movies. I played basketball, football, soccer and tennis.

Tell me about your family.

I have one sister, and she’s 48, so I was practically an only child. My mom and dad are separated. I have a niece who’s my age—she’s 23—and I have two nephews, one who’s 30 and one who’s 13. It’s funny when I go out with my niece and she calls me uncle sometimes. I lived mostly with my mom and I visited my dad a lot. They only live 15 minutes apart. 

What made you choose Towson University?

I came here on a tour when I was in 10th grade, and from that time on I wanted to go to Towson. It was my number one choice. I liked how beautiful the campus was, the atmosphere. Everyone said it was a big school, but everyone knew each other, and it was like a close-knit community and family. I chose to transfer here from Morgan State, where I studied physical education for two years.

What do you do in your free time?

I am a part of Kappa Alpha Psi—I’m the president—I’m also the co-coordinator for special events for the Black Student Union. Between managing those two organizations, I work three jobs on campus: at the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility as a Strength Builder, for Black & Gold Catering and I intern for Towson Athletics. Besides those three jobs, I like to hang out with my fraternity brothers or friends and watch movies, listen to music, a little bit of playing basketball… 

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What made you pick your major?

I’ve been heavily involved in sports since I was about six years old. Honestly, that’s all I ever really knew. I knew I wanted to go into some sports field. At first I was thinking of exercise science and athletic training. But I thought a business aspect might be more something I’d adapt to better.

What is your favorite class or professor?

My favorite professor would be Professor Sigmund or Professor King-White. They’re both awesome in the sports management department. They’re always willing to do whatever to help students succeed.

What is your favorite thing about TU?

That’s a hard one. I would say it’s the food. My favorite dining hall is West Village. I used to work there. I used to always eat there. Especially Miss Dee. She cooks the pasta and she’s always very nice. And Miss Hazel, who’s a cashier. They made me feel at home when I started working there.

What are your plans for the future?

I either want to take a year off before I go back and do a master’s in student affairs, or I’ve been speaking with my aunt who works with the [Toronto] Raptors [NBA basketball team]. She’s been trying to get me to go up there and interview, but I want to get into event operations. Or I want to get into something working with children.

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