Structured Plans

Structured plans have clearly defined course requirements for a seamless shift from bachelor’s to master’s programs.

How to Apply

Applying to a structured accelerated program is a two-step process: screening and admission.

Screening to enroll as a current undergraduate student

You’re ready to start the screening process if you have:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 – 3.25 (GPA requirement is set by each graduate program).
  • A minimum of 60 completed undergraduate credits (junior status). Transfer students must have completed at least 12 of the credits at TU.
  • Undergraduate requirements that can be fulfilled with graduate coursework - six credits are required for entry into a Graduate Certificate program, and nine for a Master's degree program.

If you meet these criteria, there are a couple of things you need to do:

STEP 1: Schedule a meeting with your undergraduate advisor/department chair. They’ll help you review your remaining requirements and determine whether the graduate program you’re considering will be a good fit.

STEP 2: Meet with the director of your graduate program. They’ll review your request to begin an accelerated program, evaluate your goals and help you determine which graduate courses would be best for you to enroll in as an undergraduate.

Your undergraduate advisor/department chair and the graduate program director must approve your request to complete the screening process.

Screening forms must be submitted by the first day of classes for the term in which the student wants to enroll.

Admission to a graduate program

During your senior year, you’ll submit an application to your chosen graduate program by the posted deadline.

  • Your application fee will be waived
  • Your admission to the graduate program is not guaranteed
  • Once you are admitted to the graduate program, all graduate courses completed with a B or better will be applied to your graduate transcript

Questions? Learn more about Accelerated Program Requirements