TU Center for STEM Excellence
Located in downtown Baltimore’s vibrant Inner Harbor, the Center for STEM Excellence serves Maryland’s K-12 schools through outreach programs supporting STEM education.
The Towson University Center for STEM Excellence (TUCSE) provides inspirational outreach programs to Maryland's K–12 schools. It is committed to engaging, exciting, and educating Maryland's students in all things STEM.
Known for the variety of high-quality teaching and learning resources designed specifically to support student achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math, TUCSE offers a diverse range of programs and resources. We believe in helping teachers help students become changemakers, problem solvers, and STEM leaders.
TUCSE is committed to advancing the future of STEM education within our communities and schools. We host events each year for professional development and networking to support Maryland educators.
The TUCSE Learning Resources platform for STEM educators shares teaching materials and student lab supplies; it offers student field trips (in-person and virtual) and teacher professional development opportunities. Browse for inspiration.

Digital Learning Resources
Teachers explore our extensive collection of digital resources. Everything is aligned with state and national standards to support you and your students. From Digital Lessons to our Science Shorts video collection.
Explore Resources
Field Trip Experiences
Expose your students to new experiences! Join us for an in-person or a virtual field trip where students are actively engaged in the same science and engineering practices that professional scientists use every day.
Field Trips Experiences
New! Science is Elementary
Newly designed program for elementary students. We paired a Virtual Field Trip experience with lab supplies from our Maryland Loaner Lab program to provide hands-on activities that students do right in your classroom. Our latest program serves students in grades 3–6.
Discover Science is Elementary
Maryland Loaner Lab
Need to conduct hands-on, learner-centered activities right in your own classroom, but short on equipment and other supplies? Our equipment loan program provides free lab supplies for secondary teachers and students.
Get Lab Supplies
Teacher Professional Development
Network with colleagues and take a deep dive into teaching and learning strategies that increase student engagement and achievement. Our professional learning opportunities are throughout the year. Find one that fits your professional development needs.
Reveal OpportunitiesExternal Funding
The Center for STEM Excellence relies on external funding for much of our programming and extends a huge 'Thank You' to the following organizations for their generous support.
BGE Green Grants
BTU Foundation
Chesapeake Bay Trust Chesapeake Conservation Corps program
FCSM Endowment Fund
Motorola Solutions Foundation
NOAA's Bay Watershed & Education Training Grant
National Science Foundation
Contact Information
TU Center for STEM Excellence
Baltimore, MD 21202
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.