Faculty Research

Our faculty are recognized researchers in their respective fields of interest and work to foster research opportunities for students. 

Are you a student looking to connect with departmental faculty on research efforts? Below you will find a list of the faculty and their respective research interests. Additionally, check out their bio pages to learn more about their projects, grants, fellowships, awards and more.

Faculty Research Interests
Blake Abbott, PhD Political rhetoric, public argumentation, citizenship, economics
Tosin Adebayo, PhD Healthcare experiences of Black women, intercultural discourse, racial and cultural identity
Michaela Frischherz, PhD Sexuality studies, cultural criticism, feminist and queer critique/inquiry 
Michael Harrington, MA Race and gender studies, Black resistance, sonic argumentation, social protest 
cicada inscoe, PhD Queer history/studies, transgender media, radio and sound studies, gender studies 
Kanika Jackson, MA Race and culture, student affairs, interpersonal communication, alumni relations, advocacy, popular culture 
Eric Karikari, PhD Organizational communication, globalization, political economy, international and intercultural communication
Audra McMullen, PhD Training and development, organizational communication, community ethnographic inquiry, instructional communication 
Melanie Morris, MS Communication ethics, conflict resolution, curriculum design, communication theory 
Carol Norton, MA Civic engagement, leadership communication, event planning, professionalism
Sarah Parker Hughes, MS Crisis communication, strategic planning, public relations, social media strategy 
Jennifer Potter, PhD Motherhood studies, social protest, prison abolition, mentorship, intercultural communication 
Desiree Rowe, PhD Performance studies, queer/feminist rhetorics, popular culture, ethnography
Michael Tristano, PhD Performance studies, gender, queer intercultural communication, critical/cultural studies 
Erin Witte, MA Rhetorical theory, criticism, cultural studies