Accelerated Undergraduate to Graduate Programs

Ready to jump-start your graduate education? TU’s accelerated bachelor’s to graduate programs let you save time and money while you push your learning to the next level.

Why Choose an Accelerated Option

Accelerated bachelor’s to graduate programs allow you to begin your graduate education as an undergraduate, offering you the opportunity to save time and money while you advance your academic career.

If you are a high-achieving student with the discipline and drive to pursue graduate study, an accelerated program might be a good option for you.


With an accelerated program, you'll quickly immerse yourself in a field of study you’re passionate about.

  • Graduate with two degrees on a shortened timeline and gain a competitive edge in your industry with advanced skills.
  • Enjoy individualized career advising from faculty mentors
  • Apply six to nine units of graduate-level work towards both your undergraduate and graduate degrees (must earn a grade of C or higher)
    • While only the units for graduate coursework will be applied to the graduate record and will not impact the graduate grade point average (GPA), transferring a course with a grade of C will count toward the graduate policy of a maximum of two courses with C grades to be used toward your eventual graduate degree. 
  • Accelerated options can be tailored to suit your career goals.

Other Participating Graduate Programs

Not sure if our program plans meet your goals? Pair an undergraduate program with a participating graduate program of your choice.

Don’t see the program you are looking for?

Contact for personalized options. 

How to Apply

Applying to an individualized accelerated program is a two-step process: screening and admission. You’re ready to start the screening process if you have:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 – 3.25 (GPA is set by each graduate program).
  • A minimum of 60 completed undergraduate credits (junior status). Transfer students must have completed at least 12 of the credits at TU.
  • Undergraduate s that can be fulfilled with graduate coursework — 6 credits are required for entry into a Graduate Certificate program, and 9 for a Master's degree program.

If you meet these criteria, there are a couple of steps you'll need to take.

  1. Schedule a meeting with your undergraduate advisor/department chair. They'll help you review your remaining s and determine whether the graduate program you’re considering aligns with your learning goals.
  2. Meet with the director of your chosen graduate program. They'll review your request to begin an accelerated program, evaluate your goals and help you determine which graduate courses would be best for you to enroll in as an undergraduate.

Your undergraduate advisor/department chair and the graduate program director must approve your request to complete the screening process.

Screening forms must be submitted by the first day of classes for the term in which the student wants to enroll.

Admission to a graduate program

During your senior year, you’ll submit an application to your chosen graduate program by the posted deadline.

  • Your application fee will be waived.
  • Your admission to the graduate program is not guaranteed.
  • Once you are admitted to the graduate program, all graduate courses completed with a B or better will be applied to your graduate transcript.

Contact Information


Natalie Scala
Accelerated Undergraduate to Graduate Programs
Natalie M. Scala, Ph.D.
Administration Building,
Room 301
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.