Faculty & Advisers

Faculty, staff, and academic advisers play an integral role in the study abroad/away experience. The Study Abroad & Away Office aims to provide faculty and academic advisers with useful resources and information to aid them in working with the TU student population.

Other Resources

Feel free to browse our resources on advising and faculty-led programs and contact us with any questions at .

“ By going abroad I was able to see my field of study in a completely different cultural context. By participating in TU's faculty-led programs I have gained a unique perspective that will make me more competitive in today's job market. ”

Bradford Drewniak, Psychology major - Argentina

Faculty Committee on Study Abroad/Study Away

The Faculty Committee on Study Abroad/Study Away serves as an oversight and advisory body for the Study Abroad & Away Office. Functions of the Committee include:

  • Work with the staff of the Study Abroad & Away Office to develop and implement academic policies and procedures related to study abroad and study away
  • Review student petitions to participate in non-TU affiliated study abroad/away programs
  • Evaluate proposals by TU faculty for faculty-led study abroad and study away programs
  • Identify ways to engage and educate the campus community and related constituents (faculty, staff, students, parents) regarding study abroad and study away
  • Identify ways to implement the goals and action items pertaining to global learning in alignment with the University's strategic plan
  • Review Study Abroad/Away TU scholarship applications 

The Director for Study Abroad & Away, the Director of the International Studies Program, the College of Libral Arts Dean's Fellow for Study Abroad & Study Away, and a representative from the Department of Languages, Literatures, & Cultures are standing members of the Committee. Members of the Committee represent all seven undergraduate colleges of Towson University.  The Committee is facilitated by one staff co-chair (Director for Study Abroad & Away) and one faculty co-chair. Members normally serve a three-year term, but may extend their tenure in the interest of maintaining balanced college/departmental representation on the Committee.

Meetings of the Committee are normally held twice each semester during the academic year, and can be called as needed.

committee member COMMITTEE ROLE department

Josh Dehlinger

Jess and Mildred Fisher College of Science and Mathematics representative
Student Petitions Subcommittee

Computer & Information Sciences

Colleen Ebacher

Committee Co-Chair & Foreign Languages representative
Faculty-Led Programs Subcommittee

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Michael Elliott

Honors College representative
Student Petitions Subcommittee (Chair)

Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice / Honors College

Jian Huang

College of Business and Economics representative
Student Petitions Subcommittee


Faizan Imtiaz

College of Liberal Arts representative
Student Petitions Subcommittee


Kyle Leppert

College of Health Professions representative
Faculty-Led Programs Subcommittee


Ashley Lucas

College of Education representative
Faculty-Led Programs Subcommittee

Secondary and Middle School Education

Audra McMullen

College of Fine Arts and Communication representative
Faculty-Led Programs Subcommittee (Chair)

Communication Studies

Bob Rook

College of Liberal Arts Dean's Fellow for Study Abroad & Study Away
Faculty-Led Programs Subcommittee


Liz Shearer 

Committee Co-Chair

Study Abroad & Away

Erik Ropers

International Studies representative
Student Petitions Subcommittee


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