Jonathan Smith Jr.

Admissions Counselor

Jonathan Smith Jr.

Contact Information
Phone: 410-704-4191
Pronouns: he/him/his

Something people might not know about TU.
Towson University’s vibrant campus life revolves around the clubs, organizations, and activities that you can join to explore new interests, meet new friends, connect with new ideas, and have fun. With more than 280 groups to choose from, you are sure to find a group that’s right for you. You can even start your own!

My advice to anyone who's applying.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to your admissions counselor if you have a question or need help with your application process. We are here to help! Visiting campus is the best method to help make your decision, get on campus early in your search and visit multiple times!

The coolest thing I’ve heard someone say about Towson.
Towson University is invested in a number of building development projects, both on and off-campus. Not only are we creating additional opportunities for our students, we’re expanding resources the entire community can utilize for research, academics, business growth and recreation.