Visual Guidelines
Well-branded visuals start with the foundations of Tiger style.

Create all communications using the building blocks of TU’s visual identity. Following the design rules and recommendations for each element is how we build a strong, cohesive visual identity.
Brand Marks
TU’s visual identity is much more than a logo. Brand marks are the university’s most important brand assets. There’s a place and purpose for each of the university’s marks. Learn how to properly apply the correct brand mark for your project.
Complete Brand Marks
Black, gold and beyond. Color can help communicate message and tone. Shades of passion and personality are found in TU’s brand palette. Get the precise mixes and matches for the university’s six core colors.
View Colors
Should you say it with a serif? Fonts establish emotion and bring character to words. TU’s typefaces help tell our stories with style. Discover the options and obligations when using the university’s approved fonts.
Font Information
Graphic Elements
So much more than backgrounds. Bold patterns help push TU’s designs into the forefront and extend the university’s visual identity. Use the unique tigertooth elements to create attention-grabbing materials that honor the university’s past and propel our visuals into the future.
Available Patterns
Even in our digital age, stationery is important as it’s sometimes the first material our influencer audiences see. Letterhead, notepads and business cards are just a few of the many items that come to life in our dynamic visual brand. You’ll make an impact with even the most official business documents.
Stationery Options
Go beyond point and shoot. Photography is a critical component to every visual communication. Choosing the right image should never be guesswork. Explore the photo basics of TU’s brand and what to look for when selecting a photograph for your next project.
Photo Style
Moving images are the new norm. It’s not a matter of whether to use video, but when and how to use it. What can you do to ensure every video project is properly branded and on message? Discover the tools and techniques to follow before anyone calls “action.”
Video Guidelines
Wait. There are some things you should do before you click send. Every email is a chance to communicate more effectively and dynamically. Bringing TU’s brand to inboxes everywhere starts with design templates and visual consistency.
Email Templates
The internet is a vast brand opportunity. Whether it’s a single page or an entire website, there are brand basics to follow for online designs before you post or publish. Access tools and the know-how you’ll need to properly brand university-owned web properties.
Website Branding
Creating online conversations with an audience has big benefits, but also takes a big investment of time and effort. Build TU’s brand while you build engagement with social media brand assets. Learn how to properly connect pages to the university’s larger social presence.
Social Branding
Pre-built designs are available for basic desktop publishing needs. Access and download presentation starters, digital letterhead, email templates and more. A set of customizable templates are also available through Marq and can be accessed via brand representatives. Either option allows you to create stylish, branded communications with ease.
Marq Downloadable Templates (login)
Short URLs and QR Codes
Short URLs and QR codes can be used on materials where the audience is unable to click on a link, such as print pieces, posters/signage, radio and TV. Our Digital Strategy team can create short URLs and QR codes for you to use whenever you may need.
More about Short URLs and QR Codes Request a Short URL or QR Code
Maintaining signage standards ensures that our campus signage offers clear and consistent information. This visual language helps people navigate the campus and enhances the overall university experience. Facilities Planning, in collaboration with University Marketing and Communications, oversees all campus signage decisions.
More about Interior and Exterior Signage
Name Badges
A consistent format for name badges helps promote a consistent image. Find out how to order professional, TU branded name badges.
More about Name Badges