Alumni can use Handshake to search for internships, full-time and part-time job opportunities.
We’re committed to you, beyond graduation.
Even after you leave campus, TU will continue to provide you with career resources and opportunities to reconnect with the TU community.
As a TU alumnus or alumna, you have access to career resources to advance your career and reach new goals.
TU alumni have access to:
build your ATS-friendly resume, search for roles with job feed, optimize your resume to the job, generate a cover letter in seconds, keep track of your applications, and update your LinkedIn profile.
Get started with Jobscan today!
If you graduated within the last two years, you also have access to:
Learn how to reconnect to the TU community and support your career interests.
The Career Center is accepting professional attire donations for a Career Closet to assist students with their professional dress needs for internship and employment opportunities, interviews, career fairs, professional conferences, and competitions.
A Career Closet space will be created in the Career Center’s brand-new office located in the University Union.
Donate your new or gently used professional attire in one of our donation boxes at the following locations:
Additional drop-off sites will be added soon.
Donate items you would feel comfortable wearing to an interview. When donating, consider the following:
If you have any questions or are interested in hosting a drop-off location, email suitup AT_TOWSON.