Saradha Ananthakrishnan, Ph.D.


Associate Professor, Audiology Graduate Program Director


Contact Info

Health Professions 3140 N


Ph.D., Purdue University, 2013
Au.D., Purdue University, 2012
B.S., Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, 2008

Areas of Expertise

Neurophysiological representation of auditory signals in listeners with typical and atypical auditory systems
Simulation in audiology
Machine learning & audiology

Certification & Licensure

  • Maryland State Licensure in Audiology

Recent Publications

  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Luo, X. (2022). Effects of temporal envelope cutoff frequency, number of channels, and carrier type on brainstem neural representation of pitch in vocoded speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
  • Adson, K., James, K.A., Srinivasan, N., & Ananthakrishnan, S. (2022). A comparison of self-reported non-occupational noise exposure in a large cohort of listeners. Noise & Health.
  • Reed, A., Andre, A., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Korczak, P. (2021). Effectiveness of simulation training on graduate audiology students’ auditory brainstem response testing skills. American Journal of Audiology. Impact factor=1.558
  • Andre, A., Reed, A., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Korczak, P. (2021). An Evaluation of Simulation Techniques in Audiology and Allied Health Professions. American Journal of Audiology. Impact factor=1.558
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Grinstead, L.*, & Yurjevich, D.* (2020). Human frequency following responses to filtered speech. Ear and Hearing. Impact factor=2.954
  • Kessler, D., Ananthakrishnan, S., Smith, S., D’Onofrio, K., & Gifford, R. (2020). Frequency Following Response and Speech Recognition Benefit for Combining a Cochlear Implant and Contralateral Hearing Aid. Trends in Hearing. Impact factor = 2.768
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Krishnan, A. (2018). Human frequency following responses to iterated rippled noise with positive and negative gain: differential sensitivity to waveform envelope and temporal fine structure. Hearing Research, 367, 113-123. Impact factor = 2.906
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Luo, X., & Krishnan, A. (2017). Human frequency following responses to vocoded speech. Ear and Hearing38(5), e256.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A., & Bartlett, E. (2016). Human frequency following response: neural representation of envelope and temporal fine structure in listeners with normal hearing and sensorineural hearing loss. Ear and Hearing37(2), e91.
  • Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Vijayaraghavan, V. (2015). Language experience enhances early cortical pitch-dependent responses. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 33, 128-148.
  • Krishnan, A., Gandour, J.T., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Vijayaraghavan, V. (2014). Cortical pitch response components index stimulus onset/offset and dynamic features of pitch contours. Neuropsycholagia, 59, 1-12.
  • Krishnan, A., Bidelman, G. M., Smalt, C. J., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Gandour, J. T. (2012). Relationship between brainstem, cortical and behavioral measures relevant to pitch salience in humans. Neuropsychologia.
  • Smalt, C. J., Krishnan, A., Bidelman, G. M., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Gandour, J. T. (2012). Distortion products and their influence on representation of pitch-relevant information in the human brainstem for unresolved harmonic complex tones. Hearing Research.
  • Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Ananthakrishnan, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Smalt, C. J. (2011). Functional ear (a) symmetry in brainstem neural activity relevant to encoding of voice pitch: A precursor for hemispheric specialization?. Brain and Language, 119(3), 226-231.
  • Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Ananthakrishnan, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Smalt, C. J. (2011). Linguistic status of timbre influences pitch encoding in the brainstem. NeuroReport, 22(16), 801.

Recent Presentations

  • Srinivasan, N., Kim, J., Coleman, K., Brown, K., Ananthakrishnan, S., Hoover, E., and  Gallun, F. (2022, May). Psychoacoustic thresholds measured using the Portable Automated Rapid Testing (PART) iPad application in a large cohort of older listeners. Poster presented at the 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Denver, Colorado
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Yurjevich, D. (2019, February). The effect of carrier type on brainstem neural representation of vocoded speech. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Midwinter Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Luo, X. & Krishnan, A. (2017, March). Human Frequency Following Response to Vocoded Signals. Poster presented at the 43nd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Yurjevich, D. (2017, March). Deciphering "Hidden Hearing Loss" Using Brain-Behavior Relationships. Poster presented at the 43nd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Yurjevich, D. & Grinstead, L.(2017, February). Role of Low and High Frequency Cues in Subcortical Neural Representation of Envelope and Temporal Fine Structure. Poster presented at the 40th Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, MD.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Grinstead, L. (2016, May). Role of high frequency cues in subcortical neural representation of envelope and TFS cues. Poster session presented at the 2nd Frequency Following Response Workshop in Boston, MA
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Grinstead, L. (2016, May). Subject variability in brainstem neural representation of pure tones. Poster session presented at the 2nd Frequency Following Response Workshop in Boston, MA
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Grinstead, L. (2016, March). Frequency Following Response: Normative Data. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S. & Grinstead, L. (2015). Subcortical Neural Encoding of Speech in SNHL: Attenuation and Distortion Effects. Poster presented at the 38th Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, MD.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A. (2014). Effects of Adverse Listening Conditions on Subcortical Neural Representation of Speech Sounds in Normal and Impaired Ears. Poster presented at the 37th Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, CA.
  • Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A. (2014). Neural Encoding of Speech in the Healthy & Impaired Auditory Systems. Podium presentation (Invited speaker) at the 41st Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Krishnan, A., Gandour, J.T., Ananthakrishnan, S., Vijayarghavan, V. (2014). Cortical Pitch Response Components Indexes Multiple Attributes of Pitch Contours. Poster presented at the 37th Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, CA.