Nancy Hannafin

Clinical Associate Professor & First-Year Experience (FYE) Advisor

Dr. Nancy Hannafin

Contact Info

Health Professions, Room 5110D


D.N.P., University of Maryland School of Nursing
M.S.N., Adult Primary Care Nursing, Northeastern University
B.S.N., Saint Anslem College
AACP Adult Nurse Practitioner
Outdoor Emergency Care, National Ski Patrol
Certified Nurse Educator

Areas of Expertise

Adult primary care
Nursing foundations
Neurology medical/surgical nursing


  • Austin, E. N., Ogle, K. T., Hannafin, N. M., Crusse, E. P., & Mark, H. (2024). Innovative nursing faculty education for novice educators. Journal of Nursing Education, 1–4. Advance online publication.
  • Hannafin, N. M. (2024). Implementation of a practice transformation to increase uptake of meningococcal B vaccine on a college campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Maryland Nurse Journal, 26(2), 18-19.
  • Hannafin, N. M. (2019). Towson University programs respond to predicted nursing faculty crisis. The Maryland Nurse News and Journal, 20(3), 11.
  • Hannafin, N. M., & Phillips, R., (2017). The flipped classroom applied to the clinical skills lab setting. Journal of Healthcare Communication, 2(4), 4-44. 
  • Hannafin, N. M. (2017). Applying the flipped classroom to the clinical skills laboratory. Nurse Educator, 42(5), 254. 
  • Hannafin, N. M. (2013). The healing properties of honey. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 11(4), 52-54. 
  • Austin, E. N., Hannafin, N. M., & Nelson, H. W. (2013). Pediatric disaster simulation in graduate and undergraduate nursing education. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28(4), 393-399. 
  • Hannafin, N. (2011). A dizzying array of numbers. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 9(2), 27-29. 


  • Hannafin, N. M., & Davis, A. (2021, April 19-22). Implementation of a practice transformation to increase the uptake of meningococcal B vaccine [Podium presentation]. Association of Public Health Nurses 2021 Annual Conference [Virtual].
  • Hannafin, N. M., & Davis, A. (2021, April 16). Implementation of a practice transformation to increase the uptake of meningococcal B vaccine on a college campus [Poster presentation]. Meritus Medical Center and Frederick Health Virtual Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference.
  • Hannafin, N. M., & Davis, A. (2021, April 13-15). Implementation of a practice transformation to increase the uptake of meningococcal B vaccine on a college campus [Poster presentation]. Public Health Research at Maryland Conference: Learning from 2020 to Advance the Public Health [Virtual], University of Maryland School of Public Health.
  • Austin, E., Hannafin, N. M., Ogle, K. & Crusse, E. (2021). Clinician to educator. NSP II Grant-funded Educator Workshop, Towson University, Towson, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M., & Davis, A. (2021, February 17). Implementation of a practice transformation to increase the uptake of meningococcal B vaccine [Podium presentation].  Vaccine Research Team, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
  • Austin, E., Hannafin, N. M., Ogle, K. & Crusse, E. (2020). Clinician to educator. NSP II grant funded Educator workshop, Towson University, Towson, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M., Austin, E. & Ryan, T. (2019). Educating clinical faculty. Towson University, Faculty Academy Mentorship Initiative, Towson, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M. & Austin, E. (2019, March 8). Increasing the supply of qualified faculty. NSP II Project Director Meeting, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M., Austin, E., & Seldomridge, L. (2018). Educating clinical faculty. Towson University, Faculty Academy Mentorship Initiative, Towson, MD, United States.
  • Seldomridge, L. & Hannafin, N. M. (2018) Educating clinical faculty. Eastern Shore Faculty Academy Mentorship Initiative, Salisbury, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M. & Phillips, R. (2018, March 26). Innovation in the nursing skills lab: Improving student engagement and accountability. UMSON Institute for Educators Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD, United States.
  • Hannafin, N. M., & Phillips, R. (2016, November 17). Innovation in the nursing skills lab: utilizing the 'flipped classroom' to improve accountability and both faculty and students' evaluations. American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2016 Faculty Development Conference, Anaheim, CA, United States.


  • Mark, H., Hannafin, N., & Austin, E., Co-Pls. 2018-2021 Increasing the supply of Qualified Nurse Faculty. Maryland Higher Education Commission.