Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance & Holocaust Education
The Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance and Holocaust Education aims to collaborate with Maryland educators to advance Holocaust education and empower future generations.
Never Forget. Always Educate.
The center promotes education on humanity, tolerance and the Holocaust to highlight the dangers of bigotry and intolerance.
Through educational programs and commemorative events, the center focuses on helping future generations understand the repercussions of intolerance while promoting empathy, tolerance and social responsibility to build a better world.
Educating the Next Generation
A nationwide poll revealed that 63 percent of Millennials and Generation Z respondents did not know that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust, and a substantial number were unable to identify even one concentration camp, death camp or ghetto.
By raising awareness of the history of remembrance, the Center seeks to build a foundation of change that prevents hatred, genocide, and bigotry in the long term, honoring the memories of those who were silenced.
Towson University is among the few universities that place collaborative efforts to promote and coordinate educational programming that provides graduate certificates in Holocaust education.
Committed to fostering the growth of its students, Towson University shares knowledge, promotes continuous learning, serves the community embraces diversity while upholding integrity.
A Pathway to Empathy, Social Responsibility
The Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance, and Holocaust Education at Towson University strives to:
- become a national leader in promoting Holocaust Education
- establish educational resources for teachers and other professionals and provide opportunities for study trips and programs that are relevant to the Holocaust, humanity, and tolerance
- advocate for making Holocaust education more prominent and available to Maryland educators and students
- host community events and educational programs, including guest lecturers, films, digital stories, and oral histories
Contact Information
Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance and Holocaust Education