BA English University of Maryland College Park, MS Professional Writing Towson University, PhD Syracuse University
BA English University of Maryland College Park, MS Professional Writing Towson University, PhD Syracuse University
Rhetoric, Writing, & Social Justice
Zosha Stuckey is the founder and co-director of Grant Writing in Valued Environments (G.I.V.E.), a program that advances students' professional writing goals by connecting their coursework to the writing needs of small, nonprofit organizations in the Baltimore region. Her research interests include rhetorical theory and history, rhetoric and science, community engagement, professional and nonprofit writing, and social justice. She is the author of A Rhetoric of Remnants: Idiots, Half-Wits, and Other State-Sponsored Inventions from SUNY Press and has authored many articles on community engagement. Dr. Stuckey also is a co-creator of the Diversity Faculty Fellows Program in the Provost's Office and an active member of the Intergroup Dialogue community.
A Rhetoric of Remnants: Idiots, Half-Wits, and Other State-Sponsored Inventions. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014.
Goldring, Nancy and Arkia Wade, David Fakunle, Zosha Stuckey, & Carrie Grant. “ 'Be
Helpful & Assume You Know Nothing:' Wisdom from Community Leaders on University Engagement.
Community Literacy Journal vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2024.
Stuckey, Zosha, and Carrie Grant. "Localize, Prioritize, Decolonize: A Guide for Consciously
Supporting POC-led Organizations." Special Issue on Grantwriting & Access. Open Words:
Access & English Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, Dec. 2022, pp. 7-31.
Stuckey, Zosha. "Grantwriting Infrastructure for Grassroots Nonprofits: A Case Study
and Resource for Attempting to 'Return Stolen Things.'" Reflections: A Journal of
Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 19, no. 2, Fall/Winter 2019, pp. 141-169.
"Ghostwriting for Racial Justice: On Barbara Johns, Dramatizations, and Speechwriting
as Historical Fiction." Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric,
Vol. 24 Fall, 2021.
"Race, Apology, and Public Memory at Maryland's Hospital for the Negro Insane." Disability Studies Quarterly 37:1 (2017).
“In Pursuit of the Common Life: Rhetoric and Education at the New York State Asylum
at Syracuse, 1854-1884.” Rhetoric Review 32:3 (2013): 233-49.
“Epideictic Rhetoric and the Reinvention of Disability: A Study of the Ceremony at
the New York State Asylum for ‘Idiots.’ ” Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society. Special issue on Medical Rhetoric. 2:2 (2012).
“What Has Become of Jimmy Thornton: The Rhetorics of Letter-Writing at the New York State Asylum-School, 1855-1866.” Disability Studies Quarterly. Special issue on Rhetoric & Disability. 31.3 (Sept. 2011).
“Octalog III: The Politics of Historiography in 2011.” Lois P. Agnew, Laurie Gries, and Zosha Stuckey, eds. Rhetoric Review 30.2 (2011): 109-134.
“Rhetoric, Ethos, & Unease: Renegotiation of the ‘Normal’ in the Classroom & on the Quad.” Co-authored with Lois P. Agnew. Open Words: Access & English Studies. 5.1 (2011): 15-28.
“Staring Back: The Rhetorical Fitness & Self-Fashioning of Ann E. Leak and Lavinia Warren, Nineteenth Century Side Show Performers.” Enculturation: A Journal for Rhetoric, Writing, & Culture (Nov. 23, 2010).
“Using Disability Studies Theory to Change Disability Services: A Case Study in Activism.” Journal of Post-secondary Education and Disability. Co-authored with Julia White and Rebecca Cory. 22.3 (Spring 2010)
“Protest Narratives in Nursing Homes: Rhetorical Facility in the Production of Life Writing.” Auto/Biography Studies. 24.1 (Spring 2008).