Resources for Students
Student resources in the Department of English include honors, scholarships and awards, and clubs and activities.
English made the front page! Check out The Towerlight's review of the pre-registration student Oktoberfest event, hosted and created by Dr. Grant's ENGL 485 class, Dr. Grant, and Prof. Barnett. Stay tuned for the rebirth of the English club and the Discourse collective.
Link to the Towerlight story
Hands-On Learning Experiences
Grub Street
Grub Street is published annually and includes works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art. The publication is a dual benefit to students, offering a platform for their literary and artistic works and providing the student staff hands-on experience putting together a literary magazine. Students receive course credit for bringing the magazine to publication each year. Register for ENGL 414 (fall) and/or 415 (spring) to be part of Grub Street.
Grantwriting In Valued Environments (G.I.V.E.) is embedded within TU undergraduate and graduate level curriculum, providing participants the opportunity for real world application while receiving course credit.
Grantwriting In Valued Environments ProjectEnglish Honors Thesis
For all upper-division English majors in their junior and senior years, the department offers an alternative experience to the capstone course or the internship: the Honors Thesis. Completing a thesis allows a student to deeply study a topic in which she or he has developed an interest through course work or independent exploration. The thesis experience encourages the development of independent learning skills and often allows students to connect with faculty members across the department and university to discuss commonly held research interests. At the conclusion of the thesis semester, students will present their work in a colloquium at which their faculty advisor and additional readers will discuss the merits of the project. The invited public will be allowed to converse on the project as well. The thesis is generally 30-50 pages in length and results from at least one prior semester of instruction and/or independent study in the student’s chosen topic.
Interested students with an overall GPA of 3.25 and a GPA of 3.5 in the English major should contact the Thesis Coordinator, Dr. Jacob Hovind, jhovind AT_TOWSON, in their junior year. Students who are currently working on Honors Thesis projects may find all necessary forms here.
Scholarships and Awards
Eligible students are selected to receive awards for outstanding work as English majors or as students taking courses in the English department, depending on the requirements of the scholarship. Awards include the Sander Award, the Three Arts of Homeland Prizes, the Hannah Nathan Rosen Writing Prize, the Robert M. Ward Scholarship, the Department of English Scholarship, and the Dr. Charlotte Koomjohn Scholarship. By selection of the joint English/Women’s Studies committee, the Frank W. Guess Award is given to the year’s outstanding portfolio of student writing. By selection of the English department committee, the Margery W. Harriss “Great Starts” Award is presented to the year’s outstanding portfolio of first-year writing (ENGL 102 or ENGL 190).
Student Groups
The Literary Nook
English majors have started a new student group called The Literary Nook! If you're interested in joining, you don't need to be an English major or minor--just have a love of language, reading, and writing. The club meets on Fridays at 1pm. You can follow them on Instagram as well: @towson_literarynook. Contact club president Yakhare Gueye for more details (ygueye1 AT_STUDENTS_TOWSON).
Discourse Collective
The Discourse Collective is a student-run club that produces a publication of student research-based writing each year, showcasing the best work students are producing in our English courses. Contact Jonathan Vincent, jvincent AT_TOWSON for more information on how to get involved.
TU Urban Farm
The TU Urban Farm is a student-run club that grows fruits and vegetables on campus. Located on a small plot of land behind the Administration Building, the club conducts planting and harvesting activities, and teaches sustainable farming practices such as composting and permaculture. It has been a service-learning site and an outdoor classroom for classes in History, Geography, Environmental Science, and English, where students have written creatively about the farm’s flora and fauna, hosted poetry readings, and drafted grants to support the farm. Benjamin Warner, bwarner AT_TOWSON English Department Lecturer, is the creator and faculty advisor for the Urban Farm Club.
College of Liberal Arts Resources
- Find a place to study, find your missing stuff, find a place to print
- Apply for internship support grants
- Apply for student research awards
- Online Writing Support - Online support for sentence-level and grammar skills
University Resources
In order to be a successful English Major you will want to take full advantage of Towson University's resources. Some of these are:
- Cook Library and its Librarians
- The Writing Center
- The OTS Technology Support Desk
- Office 365
General Resources
The English department provides a list of recommended internet resources for English students.
Undergraduate Research Publication Venues
For students interested in pursuing peer-reviewed publication of their research-based writing, here are a few of the undergraduate literary research journals that are active. Reach out to your professors for guidance on turning a paper into a publication!
Columbia Journal of Literary Criticism
Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism
Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Research Journal
Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal
The Oswald Review
The Paper Shell Review
The Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review
Pursuit: Journal of Undergraduate Research
Reinvention: A Journal of Undergraduate Research
The Symposium: UC Berkely
UCB Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric