HaeDong Shawn Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Contact Info

College of Liberal Arts
Room 2234


Ph.D., Family Science, University of Maryland, College Park

M.S., Couple and Family Therapy, University of Maryland, College Park

B.A., Education, Hanyang University

Areas of Expertise

Stress and coping in family systems

Discrimination experiences and well-being of individuals and families

Quantitative measurement, evaluation, and statistical analysis

Immigrant and multicultural families

Trauma and treatment


Dr. Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Science at Towson University. Prior to joining the department, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Michigan State University involved in evaluating state-run trauma treatment for children in community settings.

His research focuses on how individuals and families are affected by various social stressors in life (e.g., discrimination, trauma, and family conflict) and how they utilize resources to cope with stress. A primary goal of his research is to narrow the research-practice gap in helping individuals and families by connecting empirical knowledge and practical applications.

Selected Publications

Kim, H. & Epstein, N. B. (2020). Racism, stress, & health in Asian Americans: A structural equation analysis of mediation & group differences. Stress & Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/smi.2979

Young., J. L., Kim, H., Golojuch., L. A., (2020). “Race was something we didn’t talk about”: Racial socialization in Asian American families. Family Relations. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12495 

Kim, H. & Epstein, N. B. (2018). Dual-identity development, discomfort in racial/ethnic community, and well-being of Asian American sexual minorities. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 12(3), 176–192. https://doi.org/10.1080/15538605.2018.1488232

Epstein, N. B., Schlesinger, S., & Kim, H. (2017). Cognitive-behavioral family therapy. In P. Kendall (ed.). Cognitive therapy with children and adolescents: A casebook for clinical practice (3rd ed., pp. 301-328). Guilford Press.


National Council on Family Relations

Asian American Psychological Association

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

Courses Taught

  • FMST 101 – Introduction to Family Studies
  • FMST 201 – Family Resources
  • FMST 485 – Research Methods in Family Studies