Linda Oravecz, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair

Linda Oravecz, Ph.D.

Contact Info

College of Liberal Arts
Room 2233


Ph.D., Family Science,
University of Maryland, College Park

M.C.P., Community Planning,
University of Maryland, College Park

B.A., Urban Studies,
University of Maryland, College Park

Areas of Expertise

Low-income and at-risk families

Family policy

Interpersonal and community violence

Evaluation research

Parenting education

Family diversity


Dr. Linda Oravecz is a Professor in the Department of Family Science.  Her research and teaching interests focus on family policy, poverty, and interpersonal violence. She currently is conducting evaluation research of an initiative of the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH), Coalition for a Healthier Community (CHC), which supports ten grantees across the U.S. in the implementation of gender-based health preventions targeting women and girls.

Selected Publications and Presentations

Kowalczyk, S., Randolph, S., & Oravecz, L. (2017). Community coalitions' gender-aware policy and systems changes to improve the health of women and girls. Women's Health Issues, 27-SI, S6-S13.

Williams, P., Oravecz, L. (2016). University-Community Collaboration to Promote Healthy Mothers and Infants: The Relationships and Parenting Support (RAPS) Program. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. 20, 1-20.

Todd, M., Oravecz, L., & Vejar, C. (2016). Biphobia in the Family Context: Experiences and Perceptions of Bisexual Individuals. Journal of Bisexuality, 16 (2).144-162. 

Randolph, S., Kowalczyk, S., Alexander, S., Oravecz, L., & Hill, K. (2016, May). Evaluating Gender-based Approaches to Promoting Health Equity and Social Justice: Policy and Systems Changes in The Office on Women's Coalition for a Healthier Community Initiative.  Paper presented at Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's 14th International Conference: Journey to Justice: Creating Change Through Partnerships, New Orleans, LA. 

Alexander, S., Randolph, S., Kowalczyk, S., Oravecz, L., & Hill, K. (2016, March). Gender-based, public health systems approaches to improving women and girls’ health: Lessons learned in the U.S. from the Office on Women’s Health, Coalition for a Healthier Community Initiative.  Paper presented at World Medical & Health Policy’s Workshop on Women’s Health in Global Perspective, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.  

Todd, M., Oravecz, L., & Vejar, C. (2014, November). Bisexuality: Family perceptions and experiences. Poster presented at 76th NCFR National Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Williams, P., & Oravecz, L. (2012, November). FLE with Unmarried Parents: The Relationships and Parenting Support (RAPS) program.  Paper presented at 74th NCFR National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Courses Taught

  • FMST 101 - Intro to Family Studies
  • FMST 301 - Family Relationships
  • FMST 302 - Family Theories
  • FMST 303 - Trends in Contemporary Family Life