Elyssa Klann
Assistant Professor

Contact Info
PhD & MSEd Counseling Psychology
PhD Minor in Human Sexuality from the Kinsey Institute
Indiana University Bloomington
Predoctoral Internship
University of Utah Counseling Center
BA Plan II Honors & Psychology
University of Texas at Austin
Area of Expertise
Counseling Psychology
Human Sexuality
Reproductive Justice & Reproductive Mental Health
Sexual Violence & Trauma
LGBTQ Issues
Research Interests
Pregnancy decision-making, unintended pregnancy and abortion, sexual violence and prevention, intersections of race, gender, and sexuality
Clinical Interests
Feminist multicultural therapy, gender-affirming therapy, identity development, family-of-origin issues, trauma
Selected Publications
Wong, Y. J., McDermott, R. C., Zounlome, N. O. O., Klann, E. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (in press). Self-persuasion: An experimental evaluation of a sexual aggression preventive intervention for U.S. college men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Klann, E. M., & Wong, Y. J. (2020). A pregnancy decision-making model: Psychological, relational, and cultural factors affecting unintended pregnancy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44, 170-186. doi: 10.1177/0361684320904321
Zounlome, N. O. O., Wong, Y. J., Klann, E. M., David, J., & Stephens, N. (2019) ‘No one… saves the Black girls:’ Black university women’s understanding of sexual violence. The Counseling Psychologist.
Klann, E. M., & Wong, Y. J. (2018). Firm father figures: A moderated mediation model of perceived authoritarianism and the intergenerational transmission of gender messages from fathers to sons. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65, 500-511. doi:10.1037/cou0000296
Mollen, D., Hargons, C., Klann, E. M., & Mosley, D. (2018). Abortion knowledge and attitudes among psychologists and graduate students. The Counseling Psychologist, 6, 738-760. doi:10.1177/0011000018795296
Courses taught or courses currently teaching
Psyc 447: Sex Differences
Psyc 205: Introduction to the Helping Relationship