Ph.D., Early Childhood Special Education, University of Maryland, 2003
M.A., Speech-Language and Hearing, University of Kansas, 1997
B.A., Speech-Language and Hearing and Art History, University of Kansas, 1995
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Early Childhood Special Education, University of Maryland, 2003
M.A., Speech-Language and Hearing, University of Kansas, 1997
B.A., Speech-Language and Hearing and Art History, University of Kansas, 1995
Empowering and partnering with families of children with disabilities
Coaching and professional development for early intervention and school-based professionals
in supporting students with autism
Building Resilience through Trauma-Informed Practices
Certified Social Emotional Learning, Mindfulness and Well-Being Instructor
Katherine Holman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education at Towson University and a certified speech-language pathologist. She is the director of the Teacher as Leader in Autism MEd. program and is a regional autism consultant. Dr. Holman presents nationally and leads workshops on how to design instructional programming to promote successful educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities. She believes in the power of connection as the primary source of wellbeing and resilience and is deeply committed to sharing this message.
The focus of Dr. Holman’s clinical and research work is the development of effective interventions to improve social connections and communication in individuals with autism, effective professional development and coaching systems for educators and strategies for empowering families.
Holman, K.C. (in press, February 2023). Embracing mindfulness and spirituality to enhance well-being and resilience in teachers and students. In M.Kirmani, Schroth, S., Chapman, A., Steele, B., M.Moallem (Eds.). Supporting Children and Youth through Spiritual Education. IGI Global.
Hussman, J.P. & Holman, K.C. (2018). Supporting students with special needs: Online training modules for school-based professionals who support students with disabilities (online modules).
Egel, A.L., Holman, K.C., & Barthold, C.H. (Eds.) (2012). School success for students with autism spectrum disorders. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, Inc.
Holman, K.C. (2012). Educating the preschool student with autism spectrum disorder. In A.L. Egel, K.C. Holman, & C.H. Barthold (Eds.), School success for students with autism spectrum disorders (pp. 83-117). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, Inc.
Landa, R., Holman, K.C., O’Neil, A.H, Stuart, E.A. (2011). Intervention targeting development of socially synchronous engagement in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 13-21.