Rachel Billman


Assistant Professor


Contact Info

Hawkins Hall 403 C
By appointment only


Ph.D., Special Education, George Mason University, 2018

M.Ed., Special Education, George Mason University, 2011

B.A., Marketing, James Madison University, 2008

Areas of Expertise

Special education teacher preparation

Mathematics interventions for students with disabilities

Learning disabilities

Computational thinking for students with disabilities

Technology-based interventions for students with disabilities


Rachel Hammer Billman, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education at Towson University. As an Assistant Professor, she has advised students in the department, supervised internships, taught coursework on special education teaching methods and Universal Design for Learning and led or participated in numerous committees throughout the university. Before joining the faculty at Towson University, Dr. Billman was a secondary special education and mathematics teacher and provided extended school-year services to students with disabilities at the preschool level. 

Selected Publications

  • Billman, R., Regan, K., Evmenova, A., Satsangi, R. (2023). Using virtual manipulatives with technology-based graphic organizers to support students in solving proportion word problems. International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities. 6(1), 28-43.  https://doi.org/10.28987/6.1.28   
  • Billman, R., Hoppin, K. (2023). InspeCTing and ConneCTing Computational Thinking Concepts in Preservice Special Education Teacher Programs. In A. Markelz, (Ed.), TED 2023 Conference Proceedings: Seas the Day (pp 11-16). Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Long Beach, CA.
  • Satsangi, R., Billman, R., & Raines, A. R. (2021). Comparing video modeling to teacher-led modeling for algebra instruction with students with learning disabilities. Exceptionality. 29(4), 249-264, doi: 10.1080/09362835.2020.1801436 
  • Satsangi, R., Billman, R. H., Raines, A. R., & Macedonia, A. M. (2021). Studying the impact of video modeling for algebra instruction for students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 55(2), 67–78.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0022466920937467  
  • Satsangi, R., Hammer, R., & Bouck, E. C. (2019). Using video modeling to teach geometry word problems: A strategy for students with learning disabilities. Remedial and Special Education. 41(5), 309–320. doi: 10.1177/0741932518824974 


Dr. Billman's research interests include interventions in mathematics for learners with disabilities, special education teacher preparation, technology-based interventions for students with learning disabilities and computational thinking skills in the curriculum for learners with various disabilities. Her research can be found in journals such as The Journal of Special Education, Learning Disability Quarterly, The International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities and Remedial and Special Education


  • SPED 441: Curriculum/Methods Of Instruction For Students With Disabilities (Prek-12)
  • SPED 413: Universal Design For Learning: Addressing Learner Variability
  • SPED 641: Education Of Students With Disabilities (Swd): Methods Of Instruction
  • SPED 646: Using Technology To Differentiate Instruction