Kyongseok Kim, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

tiger photo

Contact Info

Psychology Building, Room 514


Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2013

Areas of Expertise

Theory extension
Information processing & motivation
Media & advertising (cognitive) effects
Environmental & health communication
Cross-cultural advertising


Dr. Kim joined Towson University as an Assistant Professor of Advertising in 2014. His research delves into the role of motivation in information processing, as well as the cognitive effects of advertising and various media content, including environmental and health communications. His research has been recognized and published in acclaimed advertising, communication, and marketing journals, including the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Environmental Communication, and Health Communication. He instructs a range of undergraduate and graduate courses at Towson University, such as MCOM 323 Advertising Media Planning, MCOM 390 Mass Communication Research, MCOM 443 International Advertising & Public Relations, MCOM 531 International Advertising, and MCOM 631 Quantitative Research Methods in Communication.

Selected Recent Publications

  • Kim, Hyang-Sook and Kyongseok Kim (Forthcoming), “A Cognitive Load Model of Entertainment Education: Testing the Effects of Open Captions on Learning and Persuasion,” Mass Communication & Society.
  • Kim, Kyongseok (2024), "Communicating Climate Change in the Era of Anxiety: Testing a Double-Moderated-Mediation Model," Environmental Communication, 18 (7), 945-966.
  • Kim, Kyongseok (2023), “A Review of CLT-based Empirical Research on Climate Change Communication from 2010 to 2021,” Environmental Communication, 17 (7), 844-860.
  • Kim, Kyongseok and Hyang-Sook Kim (2022), “Visuals Misleading Consumers? A Test of the Visual Superiority Effect in Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39 (1), 78-92.
  • Kim, Kyongseok, Hyang-Sook Kim, Mun Young Chung, and Yeuseung Kim (2021), “Do Viewers Really Talk about Ads during Commercial Breaks? Findings from a South Korean Social TV Platform,” Asian Journal of Communication, 64 (3), 519-539.
  • Kim, Hyang-Sook and Kyongseok Kim (2020), “Open Captioning as a Means of Communicating Health Information: The Role of Cognitive Load in Processing Entertainment-Education Content,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64 (3), 519-539.
  • Kim, Kyongseok and Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn (2019), “The Moderating Role of Cultural Background in Temporal Framing: Focusing on Climate Change Awareness Advertising,” Asian Journal of Communication, 29 (4), 363-385