Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Education

Starting the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention across cultures. The Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators are dedicated to educating the campus community on the way our cultures and identities can influence how we talk about, understand, and begin to destigmatize topics related to mental health and suicide prevention. Through a peer-to-peer model students are able to learn about available resources, develop skills to foster resiliency, and learn how to advocate for themselves and others. We work to empower all members of campus, regardless of their identities, to have honest and courageous conversations with one another about mental health and the stigma that surrounds asking for help.

General Information

Who We Are

The Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators are student leaders that work within the Towson University Counseling Center to provide education about available mental health resources and raise awareness about how the intersection of one’s social identities can influence their mental health. Our peer educators seek to create a brave space for honest conversation around heavily stigmatized topics such as suicide prevention and mental illness. Most of all, we seek to provide students with the tools and language needed to better understand their mental health and begin destigmatizing mental health in their communities.

What We Do

The Diverse and Healthy Minds Peer Educators: 

  • Represent the Towson University Counseling Center
  • Attend weekly meetings
  • Lead small and large scale events across campus
  • Provide workshops and presentations to various student organizations, classrooms, Greek Life groups, and campus partners
  • Collaborate with various departments across campus such as CSD, HRL, SGA, and Student Activities
  • Generate new programing in response to current needs of the campus community
  • Design and implement relevant social media campaigns 

What Do Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators Present or Discuss?

Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators present on a variety of topics including (but not limited to):

  • Suicide prevention across cultural groups
  • Barriers to help-seeking
  • Interrupting microagressions
  • Stereotype threat and imposter syndrome
  • Signs and symptoms of mental illness
  • Fostering mental health and resiliency
  • Breaking down cultural stigma surrounding mental health
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Self-care and stress management  

Getting Involved


Our peer educators receive extensive training in skills related to leadership, program development, needs assessment, and evaluation. The Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators also receive specific training to develop the tools and language needed to engage in and navigate sensitive conversations pertaining to mental health and systematic oppression. As a Peer Educator you will increase your awareness of power and privilege dynamics, systems of oppression, and how they can impact access to mental health support.

Why Participate

The opportunity to join peer education provides a unique professional development opportunity for our undergraduates. Students who join peer education not only get to enhance their skills in public speaking and program planning, they also get to build connection with their fellow peers who share their same passions. Peer education can open many doors for future learning and career opportunities. For those who are energized by health and wellness, peer education is the perfect place to grow.

Interested in becoming a Peer Educator?

Apply Now

To request a program, fill out the form and the Counseling Center will contact you.

Request a Program

Workshops and Programs

Interested in one of our Peer Educator workshops or programs?


  • Requests must be made with at least a 3-week notice
  • Workshops range between 30 minutes - 60 minutes and require A/V
  • Presentations marked with an asterisk (*) can be tailored to a specific population of interest
  • At this time, all workshops and programs will run via Webex and Zoom

View our workshops and submit your request below.

For information and questions regarding workshops and presentations, please contact Amber Walser,

Social Media

Instagram: @healthydiversemindstu

Contact Information

Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Education 
Amber Lea Walser, Psy.D.
The Health and Counseling Centers

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.