Campus Master Plan

Our strategic vision for campus buildings and spaces.

The future starts here.

TU’s master plan (PDF) is a roadmap for the sustainable development of our main campus. It presents a 10-year outlook of investments that both advance our institutional mission and meet the needs of a rising world-class research university.

As TU adapts and evolves, so too must its buildings. Modern facilities and technologies fuel learning, discovery and creativity for our students and faculty. The master plan responds to increased educational and research needs through strategic investments in four focus areas.

Focus Areas

The master plan is broadly organized around four focus areas. Based on strategic plan goals, these areas guide investments in our physical campus. 

campus districts

Renew and activate campus districts

The master plan will transform more than 1 million gross square feet of space through new construction and renovation projects in each major campus district, including the academic core, campus life center, West Village and South Campus.


Support growth to an R2 institution

The plan calls for integrating research space throughout TU's facilities. A research concentration center in the southeast of campus will support the strategic goal of achieving Carnegie Classification as an R2 Doctoral University with High Research Activity.

pedestrian path

Create a north-south campus greenway

The plan envisions a braided network of paths that enrich connections from downtown Towson all the way to South Campus. It starts with a new College of Business & Economics building connecting to York & Burke at grade, and culminates with a new pedestrian bridge connecting to South Campus. 


Be an outward-oriented campus

The master plan thoughtfully develops key campus edges as a physical manifestation of the Together Towson initiative. Investments in multimodal transportation support safe, sustainable and convenient access to and from the main campus.

Proposed Capital Development Projects 


2030 map

The 2030 master plan outlines 10 priority projects for TU. They include strategic new construction, renovations of key and historic facilities, as well as campus safety and accessibility projects that promote greater connectivity between campus districts. The proposed plan reflects the dramatic need for technology-rich academic space to facilitate current and future pedagogies as well as research growth to achieve an R2 designation. Fulfilling these needs brings opportunities to better organize and concentrate the functions on campus.

Numbers correspond with the map above.

  1. New College of Health Professions Building + Green Space
  2. Electrical Substation
  3. Smith Hall Renovation
  4. New Student Services Building
  5. New West Village Housing Phase V, Garage + Green Space
  6. New Academic Building for College of Business & Economics
  7. South Campus Pedestrian Bridge
  8. Multimodal Transportation Enhancements
  9. Stephens Hall Renovation
  10. Van Bokkelen Hall Renovation

Gross square feet (GSF) of new & renovated campus space since the 2015 master plan.

1.3 million

Gross square feet of new & renovated space 

$1.2 billion

Proposed investment in campus buildings

Get details on proposed development projects, and learn more about how our future vision for campus came to life.

Read the master plan summary Learn how the plan was developed

Master Plan Touchstones


Investments outlined in the master plan were chosen intentionally to advance the 2020-2030 strategic plan and align with the Self-Study for Middle States reaccreditation. In addition to supporting research growth for ascension to an R2: doctoral university, the plan utilizes strategic renewal and divestment to address building conditions, reduce deferred maintenance and improve energy efficiency. Building sites are specifically located to increase connectivity within the campus and community, fostering a more welcoming, inclusive environment. 


Following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Framework, the master plan reaffirms TU’s commitment to achieve LEED silver certification on all new buildings, procure 100 percent of purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2030, and attain carbon neutrality by 2050. To advance these commitments, the master plan anticipates all new construction will have standalone system capacity, be fully electric and be solar ready. Pedestrian connectivity is central to the plan, which calls for a multi-modal loop wrapping the Academic Core and Campus Life Center, including off-street pathways alongside major thoroughfares to improve walking and biking connectivity. 


The campus master plan will inform university decision making years into the future. Flexibility enables the plan to respond to evolving circumstances, such as the potential growth and change of the campus community and the physical space it requires. TU uses its space assessment as a tool to quantitatively explore facilities needs. The vision set forth in the plan is brought to life through capital budget approval processes at the university, USM and state levels. Once underway, TU publicly shares details, news and updates regarding ongoing capital construction.

About Facilities Planning at TU

Facilities Planning leads the development of all documents and plans related to the physical expansion and space utilization of Towson University’s campus. This includes the campus master plan, the campus space inventory database, space management policies and procedures, space needs assessments, and archived facility records, documents, drawings and building floorplans. The Office also prepares the annual capital- and system-funded budget requests to advocate for new capital facility projects that advance the Campus Master Plan.

Contact Information

Facilities Planning


8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252
General Services Building Room 132

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.