Christopher Oufiero, Ph.D.




Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 3101G


B.S., Biology
Montclair State University

M.S., Life Sciences
Indiana State University

Ph.D., Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
University of California, Riverside

Areas of Expertise

Evolutionary and ecological physiology, functional morphology, phylogenetic comparative methods


Dr. Oufiero is the PI of the TU Mantis lab. Our research is focused on taking an integrative and comparative approach to understand mantis diversity. We employ a variety of techniques, such as 3D high-speed video, machine learning, and time-lapse photography to quantify variation in functional traits. We also use macro photography and dissections to quantify variation in morphological traits. Our goal is to understand functional and morphological variation in relation to a suite of abiotic and biotic factors. We are currently focusing on the relationships among diet, prey capture and ingestion rate within and among species of mantises that mimic different microhabitats within the environment.  

Selected Recent Publications

(G = TU grad student, U = TU undergraduate):

Oufiero, C.E.,  Garikipati, L.G, McMillan, EU.   Sullivan, M.K. U, &  R. TurnbaughU 2024.  Modulation of prey capture kinematics in relation to prey distance helps predict success. J Exp Biol 2024; jeb.247311. doi:

Sodano, J.G, Oufiero, C. E., Schneider, S. A., & J.S LaPolla. 2024. Scale insect (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) morphology is transformed under trophobiosis. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 117 (1), 49-63.

Oufiero, C.E. 2022. Ontogenetic changes in behavioral and kinematic components of prey capture strikes in a praying mantis. Evolutionary Ecology. 36: 541-559.

Nelson, J. A., K.J. Rieger, D. GruberG,  M. CutlerU,  B. BucknerU, and C.E. Oufiero. 2021. Thermal tolerance of cyprinids along an urban-rural gradient: Plasticity, repeatability and effects of swimming and temperature shock. Journal of Thermal Biology. 100: 103047.

Oufiero, C.E., K. KraskuraG, R. BenningtonU, and J. A. Nelson.2021. Individual repeatability of locomotor kinematics and swimming performance in a gymnotiform swimmer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 94: 22-34.

Oufiero, C. E. 2020. Evolutionary diversification in the raptorial forelegs of Mantodea: Relations to body size and depth perception. Journal of Morphology, 281(4-5), 513-522.

Oufiero, C.E. 2019. The Organismal Form and Function lab-course: a new C.U.R.E. for a lack of authentic research experiences in organismal biology. Integrative Organismal Biology. 1: obz021.

Courses Taught

BIOL 222: Human Anatomy and Physiology 2, lecture and lab
BIOL 325: Animal Physiology
BIOL 472: Organismal Form & Function Lab (see: for more information)
BIOL 607: Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology (grad course)
BIOL 796: Professional Aspects of Biology (grad course)