Yuanqiong (Kathy) Wang


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Ph.D., Computer and Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Areas of Expertise

Human Computer Interaction, Collaborative Systems, Distance Learning, Social Networking

Selected Publications and Presentations:

Y. Wang, G. Meiselwitz, "Social Media and Higher Education: a Literature Review", HCI International 2015.

J. Schoeberlein, and Y. Wang, "Usability Evaluation of an Accessible Collaborative Writing Prototype for Blind Users", Journal of Usability Studies. Vol. 10 (1), Nov. 2014, pp. 26-45.

J. Arfaa, Y. Wang, "A Usability Study on Elder Adults Utilizing Social Networking Sites", HCI International 2014, Crete, Greece, June 22-27.

Wang, Y., Vincenti, G., Braman, J., and Dudley, A. "The ARICE Framework: Augmented Reality in Computing Education", International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. Vol. 8 (6), 2013, pp. 27-34.

H. Han, S. R. Hiltz, J. Fjermestad, Y. Wang, “Does Medium Matter?  A Comparison of Initial Meeting Modes for Virtual Teams”, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications. Vol. 54 (4), 2011, pp. 376-391.

Y. Wang and J. Braman, “Extending the classroom through Second Life”, Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2009, pp. 235-248.


My research has been focusing on the accessibility issues in collaborative systems, the design of learning system, the impact of new collaborative technologies on learning experience for students in both face-to-face as well as in distance learning classes, and exploring ways of utilizing technologies to enhance collaborative learning.

Memberships / Affiliations: