Environmental Science (M.S.)

The master’s degree in environmental science will prepare you to address the most pressing environmental issues and problems facing metropolitan areas today.


Minimum Credits Required to Graduate


Cost Per Credit
(In-State Tuition & Fees)

Why Earn a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science?

From the effects of global warming to preserving the health of the Chesapeake Bay, environmental issues present problems informed citizens want to solve. The master’s in environmental science at Towson University will help you be part of the solution.

Our graduates are employed by environmental firms and government agencies across the region. Practitioners in the field and those looking for career changes will gain opportunities with the Maryland Department of the Environment, Department of Natural Resources, and local and national private environmental companies.

The program is targeted to individuals with a bachelor’s degree in a related field, professionals currently working in related fields who are looking to enter the environmental work force, and educators seeking to expand their knowledge of environmental sciences in metropolitan areas to improve their teaching.

The curriculum is interdisciplinary, with core courses led by biologists, geologists and chemists. Experts from the private sector and government also teach in the program, providing first-hand counsel and guidance.

Kyle Farrington

About Our Students

Kyle Farrington’s love of the outdoors fueled his desire to improve the environment and pursue the environmental science master’s. After graduation, he hopes to work for the U.S. Geological Survey or the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Read his story

Select Your Core Topic Area

You can choose from four core topic areas that were developed based on work force needs identified by regional environmental professionals.

  • Environmental Geology 
  • Ecosystem Science
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Law, Policy and Education

Degree Requirements 

The master’s in environmental science requires 30 credits of coursework, including core courses and electives appropriate to each core topic area. Students can also choose the thesis or non-thesis track. View degree requirements, approved electives and course descriptions in the Graduate Catalog

Thesis Track

The Thesis Track is a traditional master's program, designed for students who plan further study for their doctorate, for those whose employment requires research training, and for those who wish to teach. Students in this track complete a major research project. Graduate teaching and research assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis to full-time thesis students.

Non-Thesis Track

The Non-Thesis Track is designed for working professionals who want a broader background in environmental science. Non-thesis students complete a research practicum course.

Admission Requirements and Deadlines

View admission requirements for the master's degree in environmental science. Please note that application deadlines for the thesis track and non-thesis track vary.

Other Options for Environmental Studies 

Applicants interested in graduate programs in environmental studies may want to explore the Geography and Environmental Planning (M.A.) program, where students can focus on sustainability and human-environment studies. For more information,  contact Sya Buryn Kedzior, or Jeremy Tasch, .

why towson university?

Academic Advantages

  • internship opportunities through collaborations with local and regional environmental agencies, including the U.S. Geological Survey and a number of international institutions
  • unique learning experiences working on National Science Foundation funded projects and in regional laboratories
  • options for all students to participate in lab- and field-based coursework
  • accommodates working professionals with a flexible evening schedule
  • thesis and non-thesis options

Ready to get started? Here's how to apply.

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Contact Information

Program Director

Joel Moore
Environmental Science Masters Program
Joel Moore, Ph.D
Science Complex
Room 2150B
By appointment