Margaret Walton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

dr. margaret walton

Contact Info

7800 York Road, Room 328


Ph.D., Mathematics Education, University of Maryland
M.T., Mathematics Education, University of Virginia
B.A., Economics, German, Boston College

Areas of Expertise

Mathematics Education
Teacher Learning & PD
Teacher Educator Learning & PD


Margaret Walton joined the Towson Department of Mathematics in 2024. She teaches mathematics methods courses to undergraduate pre-service teachers and courses about teacher professional development to education graduate students. Her research interests include teacher educator learning and professional development, teacher learning and professional development, and facilitator and teacher noticing. She is the Principal Investigator for a National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12 grant Video Professional Development to Explore and Support Video Club Facilitator Learning and Practice, which explores how to design professional development experiences for video facilitators to support them to lead video clubs for math teachers.

Prior to her appointment at Towson, Margaret received a Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Maryland. She also received a master’s in teaching at the University of Virginia and was a high school math teacher in Washington, D.C.

Recent Publications

  • Using video-based tools to support facilitators of video-based professional development (with Walkoe, J.). In "The AMTE Handbook of Mathematics Education," vol. 5, (B. M. Benken, Ed.), pp. 245-264; Information Age, 2024.
  •  Using video tagging tools to understand facilitator noticing. In "Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education" (Lischka, A. E. et al. Eds.), Middle Tennessee State University, 2022; 2276-2279.