
Share your time, talent, or treasure to support the Grasmick Institute in developing ethically-driven leaders.

Philanthropy shaped the development of the Dr. Nancy Grasmick Leadership Institute and your commitment to building and supporting programming that inspires leaders is critical to our ongoing success.

Help fuel the future of leadership. Share your time, talent, or treasure to support the development of leaders—present and future.

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Towson CLA
TU is on the RISE

Make a Transformational Gift

Dr. Grasmick’s generous private philanthropy has been instrumental in the research and development of the Institute. Join her in supporting the future of leadership development with a founding investment.

Download the Case for Support (PDF)
Corporate, government, nonprofit sponsorships and charitable giving

Become a Founding Supporter or Partner

Meet your leadership development needs with flexible, customizable options—and gain a meaningful return on investment:

  • Dynamic leadership and professional development experiences
  • Regional and national brand visibility
  • Speaking and convening engagements and experiences
  • Early access to reports and publications
  • Providing scholarships for underserved communities

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