Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity

A more diverse and inclusive campus will come from senior-level leadership with a strategic vision for the design, promotion and delivery of best-practice diversity, inclusion and cultural competency efforts across campus.

OIIE Updates

Response and Education

On November 10, 2023 (Friday), Towson University (TU) President Mark Ginsberg sent communication to our TU stakeholders regarding “the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.” Within his message, President Ginsberg stated, “The trauma of these incidents – and the impact of the horrific war abroad – has and will continue to impact many members of our TU community.” President Ginsberg further conveyed, “Although there are rising instances of hate-based discrimination and campus violence across the U.S., that cannot take place at Towson University. Violence and hatred will not be tolerated on our campus or allowed to become part of TU’s climate. Our university is wholly committed to the safety of every person who calls TU home.”

TU’s Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity (OIIE) and Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP) also recognizes our University’s responsibility to foster an atmosphere of safety, respect, understanding, and good will among individuals and groups. Our goal, within the OIIE and SARP, is to help create and maintain a community at TU where all individuals feel free to express themselves in ways that are appropriate, and pursue their studies and employment in an atmosphere that values individuality and diversity. Among other cherished values is the First Amendment which protects freedom of speech. However, the First Amendment does not protect behavior on our campus that crosses the line into targeted harassment or threats, or that creates a pervasively hostile environment for our TU students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. We encourage all members of our TU community to abide by our policies when participating in expressive activities or exercising their right to free speech. This includes, but is not limited to, TU’s Policy on Time, Place and Manner for Expressive Activities (06-04.11) and other policies outlined in the Code of Student Accountability.

If you have been impacted by a Hate/Bias incident (e.g., victim, witness, third-party), you can file an Incident Report using TU’s Hate Crime or Incidents of Bias or Discrimination Incident Report Form located via OIIE’s website. Our OIIE will review all Hate/Bias reports; assess each report on a case-by-case basis; investigate these reports when warranted; explore and implement educational opportunities; and continue to partner with our SARP. For our TU students, the Counseling Center offers “care that is… culturally responsive… and tailored to every student’s unique needs.” For our TU faculty and staff, the Employee Assistance Program “offers someone to talk to you and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need them.” Our OIIE, SARP, and TU community will continue to work through this together.

Protecting Free Speech

Among our cherished values is the First Amendment which protects freedom of speech.

However, the First Amendment does not protect behavior on our campus that crosses the line into targeted harassment or threats, or that creates a pervasively hostile environment for our TU students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. We encourage all members of our TU community to abide by our policies when participating in expressive activities or exercising their right to free speech.

This includes, but is not limited to:

OIIE Initiatives

COVID-19, Stereotypes & Caring in Our Community

This video resource aims to develop the knowledge and understanding of seeking accurate information on COVID-19 and how responses to the pandemic are often linked to racial and ethnic stereotypes.

Learn More About COVID-19 Biases



Contact Information

Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity

Administration Building, Suite 2210

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Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 5pm

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