Towson University ranks among best in U.S. and Canada for Jewish students
The Algemeiner, a New York-based weekly newspaper that covers American and international Jewish news, released the report.
By Sedonia Martin on January 31, 2017

Towson University has been ranked 13th in the United States and Canada by The Algemeiner as a university that are “models for promoting Jewish culture and life.”
The Algemeiner, a New York-based weekly newspaper covers American and international Jewish news, released the report. The four-month comprehensive research looked at multiple campus factors in compiling the list.
Towson University is seeing tremendous growth in numbers and infrastructure, and its Hillel is working off that momentum, hosting growing numbers of students at Shabbat dinners. Hillel also offers high-quality student- and user-centric learning, fellowships, programs and community-building activities. Its student leaders have launched unique programs and are making a lasting impact.
TU also hosts the Baltimore Hebrew Institute (BHI), which is committed to supporting the education of Jewish studies scholars, educators and communal professionals who excel in their chosen fields.
This story is one of several related to President Kim Schatzel’s priorities[BROKEN LINK] for Towson University: Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Campus.