President Schatzel joins the board of the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education
Schatzel becomes the first female president of a USM institution to be named to the prestigious board
By Pam Gorsuch on April 19, 2018

The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) Board of Directors has welcomed Towson University President Kim Schatzel as the first female University System of Maryland (USM) president to serve on their cross-functional board aimed at driving high student achievement for Maryland’s workforce pipeline.
“The Maryland Business Roundtable is the catalyst for business, government and education to drive student success and support our state’s colleges and employers,” said Brian Dulay, MRBT executive director. “President Schatzel’s combination of c-suite business and academic experience adds a distinctive viewpoint to the board, and we’re thrilled to have her contribute to the MBRT’s ongoing success.”
As a board member, Schatzel will help the MRBT advocate for middle and high school education that better prepares students for colleges or careers. She’ll also work alongside fellow board members, including Booz Allen Hamilton Senior Vice President and MRBT Chair Nicole Funk and USM Chancellor Robert Caret, to align the MRBT’s programming to evidence-based practices that meet the shared needs of students, educators and employers.
The MRBT led the creation of the STEM Innovation Network and Maryland Scholars, an advanced course of study that prepares students to be college- and career-ready. Data indicates their programs are working. In five years, there was a 37 percent increase in the number of Maryland graduates who met the Maryland Scholars criteria.
“Everyone benefits when Maryland’s students are well prepared to innovate and lead in a global economy,” said President Schatzel. “I am honored to be named to the board, and look forward to working alongside my fellow board members to continue building this important link in Maryland’s workforce pipeline.”
Schatzel is one of less than two percent of university presidents who have extensive business and private sector experience. In addition to her role at MRBT, she sits on the NCAA Division I Presidential Forum and serves on the board of directors for the University of Maryland St. Joseph's Medical Center, the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, and the CollegeBound Foundation.
The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education is a coalition of leading employers that work to achieve meaningful improvement in schools and student achievement by focusing on improved standards, assessments and graduation requirements. In 2017, the MRBT’s work reached more than 70,000 students in 724 classrooms in 94 schools across the state.