Commencement cords and stoles, decoded
Ever wonder what the cords and sashes around graduates’ necks mean?
By Megan Bradshaw on May 20, 2019

Commencement is a graduate’s day of celebration, recognizing the hard work and growth achieved during his or her time at Towson University.
Honor cords and stoles are a Commencement tradition, with colors and designs designating a specific achievement or award. Braided cords are historically intended to recognize academic honor societies, academic student organizations and military service or military-affiliated status.
In recent years, braided cords also were worn by degree candidates to signify association with college, social or cause organizations, such as fraternities and sororities. Stoles—whose origins date back to medieval clergy—identify students as part of groups or organizations.
So what do the ones at TU’s graduation ceremonies mean?
College of Business and Economics
Beta Gamma Sigma—royal blue and gold
College of Education
Kappa Delta Pi—purple and green
College of Fine Arts and Communication
Department of Communication Studies Pi Kappa Delta—purple and green
Department of Dance National Honors Society of Dance Arts—light blue and white
College of Health Professions
Department of Health Science Eta Sigma Gamma Health Education and Promotion Honor Society—green and gold
Department of Interprofessional Health Studies (Gerontology) Sigma Phi Omega—blue and gold cord or medallion
Department of Interprofessional Health Studies (Healthcare Management) Upsilon Delta Phi—red and blue
Department of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society—lavender and white
Department of Nursing TU Student Nursing Association—blue and white
Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Phi Theta Epsilon—royal dark blue and gold
College of Liberal Arts
Department of Foreign Languages Gamma Kappa Alpha—red, white and green
Department of Foreign Languages Pi Delta Phi—red, white and blue
Department of Foreign Languages Sigma Delta Pi—red and yellow
Department of Geography Gamma Theta Upsilon—pale blue, brown and gold
Department of History Phi Alpha Theta—blue, gray and white
Department of Political Science Pi Sigma Alpha—red and white
Department of Psychology Psi Chi—gray and blue
Department of Psychology Honors Thesis—gold
Honors College
Medallion on a black and gold ribbon
Jess and Mildred Fisher College of Science and Mathematics
Department of Biology Beta Beta Beta—red and green
Military and Veterans Center
Military-affiliated students include active, reserve, guard, veteran, retired and ROTC cadets—red, white and blue
Other Organizations
Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society—blue and gold
Greek Life organizations—determined by each organization
National Residence Hall Honorary—blue and white
National Society of Collegiate Scholars—burgundy and gold
National Society of Leadership and Success—black and white
Tau Sigma Transfer Student Honor Society—maroon and gold
Undergraduate Research Club—black, white and silver
University Residence Government—black, gold and white
Athletics—primarily black with gold trim, the athletics logo and “student-athlete” embroidered
Center for Student Diversity
- Black Student Union—kente stoles that are black, red, yellow and green
- LatinX Student Development—primarily gold with black, green, white and red accents
- LGBTQ+ Student Development—lavender with white trim
- SAGE Mentors—black, white and gold
Department of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society—purple stole with organization insignia
Greek Life organizations—determined by each organization
National Society of Collegiate Scholars—burgundy and gold
Student Government Association (SGA)—black stole with gold trim, SGA insignia
Towson Opportunities in STEM (TOPS)—gold with program insignia
Wearing your regalia with pride at Commencement? Share your photos on social media with #TUProud this week!