A home run of an education

Sara Bianco ’22 stockpiles sports memories, professional experience

By Kyle Hobstetter on May 11, 2022

Sara Bianco '22 outside of Unitas Stadium
Sara Bianco came to Towson University specifically for the sport management program. Thanks to her time at TU, she has had plenty of real world experience, including an internship with the Baltimore Orioles. (Alex Wright / Towson University) 

Growing up in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, Sara Bianco always had a passion for sports. In fact, her goal is to work for a professional sports team.

As she graduates this spring, Bianco says, thanks to TU, she’ll have an advantage when applying for jobs.

“I chose Towson University because of the sport management program,” Bianco says. “I liked how they require a business administration minor, which is a big deal when you’re applying for jobs. It’s like an extra one up you have on other applicants by having the business experience.”

And she is already getting real-life sport management experience on- and off-campus.

This spring, Bianco interned with the Baltimore Orioles working in ballpark operations. She found the opportunity through the sport management department’s internship coordinator professor Jessica Minkove, who sends out weekly emails with job and internship listings.

“Dr. Minkove really does want the best for us, and she wants us to have these real-world experiences,” Bianco says. “She will send out any opportunity that she comes across.”

Minkove also helped Bianco find a job with the Towson University athletic department’s media relations team.

Bianco helped input statistics, worked the scoreboard, set up press conferences, ran social media accounts and did whatever else she could to help. She learned more about the sports industry while working close to campus with professionals in a NCAA Division I sports program.

“[It] opened my eyes to the different aspects of the sports industry and what goes into planning a game or event,” she says. “Everyone at TU was willing to teach you and answer any question that you had. They really wanted us to learn and get the most out of the experience.”

Sara Bianco working with Towson Athletics Media Relations
Along with several internships, Bianco also worked on campus with the Towson University athletic department's media relations team. (Alex Wright / Towson University) 

Bianco also found her own incredible opportunities. In 2020, she took part in the Disney College Program with Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida and received internship credit.

She scored big on her assignment—working at the ESPN Wide World of Sports during the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl.

“I was right there on the field, watching the NFL teams practicing, and working in guest services,” she says. “It was my first experience working in sports and seeing the stuff that went on behind the scenes.”

Bianco will graduate with a dual degree in economics. She’s hoping her course of study will open a lot of doors.

But she knows she’ll be ready for whatever comes next in her professional career.

“I don't think I would’ve had all these real-world experiences if it wasn't for our faculty pushing us to get as much experience as we can,” Bianco says. “So being able to get these experiences while I’m still in college is just really cool.”