Next generation of leaders receive master class advice from local legend

Tim Tooten joins Next Generation Leaders to work on public speaking, communication skills

By JAMIE ABELL on May 6, 2024

Tim Tooten gives his master class presentation
Tim Tooten, retired WBAL TV 11 News education reporter, gives a public speaking master class to the Next Generation Leaders. (Paige Detwiler | Towson University)

On Tues., April 30, the sixth cohort of the Next Generation Leaders, spearheaded by presidential scholar Nancy Grasmick '61, concluded a year full of networking, career exploration, collaboration, advocacy training, job training and so much more. Two initiatives comprise the cohort: the Towson University Student Leadership Program and the Outstanding Young Women Leaders Program. 

Grasmick opened the event introducing the group and thanking the members of First Financial Federal Credit Union (FFFCU) for their continued support of the Outstanding Young Women Leaders Program. “We couldn’t do this program without these resources,” said Grasmick.  

Eric Church, CEO of FFFCU, and staff presented Grasmick with a check for $25,000 to continue their support of the Outstanding Young Women Leaders Program. “I have great faith in Dr. Grasmick and it is with great pleasure that we’re able to sponsor this program,” said Church. 

The Outstanding Young Women Leaders Program began in 2020 and is a partnership between TU and the Baltimore County public school (BCPS) system. The program, also part of the Women’s Leadership Collective, invites 25 aspiring young leaders to meet monthly to receive leadership training and skills development, further their communication skills, explore college and career opportunities, connect with a corporate mentor and design and implement a community or school service project. 

The Towson University Student Leadership Program invites dynamic student leaders to join together to be a clearinghouse for leadership activities on campus, provide leadership training and skills development that supports women’s leadership growth and sponsor high-profile leadership activities and events for the campus and community. Students are recommended by their dean or are part of the Honors College.  

The last event of the year became even more special. Recently retired, legendary education reporter for WBAL TV 11 News Tim Tooten visited to give a master class on communications and public speaking.  

He provided valuable tips and tricks for public speaking through an interactive presentation, leaving everyone in the room feeling more confident. Then, he called unsuspecting students – both from BCPS high schools and TU – to provide off-the-cuff, one-minute speeches about who they are and what they do. 

After his presentation, Tooten added, “Today, I was impressed with how students were able to express themselves in a group as well as one on one encounters. Public speaking skills will allow these students, wherever they may be on their education and career paths, to deliver messages to an audience of one or of hundreds.” 

The event concluded by celebrating all the TU seniors with Grasmick and Dr. Alison McCartney, faculty advisor and new dean of the Honors College and mentor for several TU students, awarding certificates and pins.  

“Through this program, Dr. Grasmick has given us so many opportunities to grow our professional networks and increase our leadership capabilities,” says Cole Meyer ‘24, a business systems and process major and senior in the Towson University Student Leadership Program. “I even got to shake Governor Moore’s hand on a whim. That was really cool.”