Visitors, Department Guests & Vendors

Vehicles parked on campus must display a valid permit or be parked at a paid parking space from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday.

Important Information

  • All vehicles parked on campus must have a valid permit during enforcement hours:  Monday – Thursday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Permits are optional in most locations from Friday at 3 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Monday.
  • Permits are optional when the University is officially closed.
  • If visitor parking is unavailable at a particular garage/lot, please consult a campus map for additional parking locations. Visit our link to find the Campus Parking Map.

Pay by Phone

Effective 7/3/2023, pay stations will no longer be available for Visitor parking on campus. Visitors parking on campus can use ParkMobile to purchase a permit. This option for a visitor permit is virtual; therefore, you are not required to display the parking receipt on your vehicle's dashboard. Enforcement utilizes a License Plate Recognition system to track the validation of your car parked on campus.

To use the Pay by Phone option, the following ParkMobile instructions should be applied:

  • Download the ParkMobile app from the Google Play Store or App Store—alternatively, open in a web browser.
  • Confirm your zone number - look around you for signs indicating your zone number.
  • Select your parking session duration.
  • Log in to your ParkMobile account or check out as a guest.
  • Review your order and start your parking session.

Pay by Phone Visitor permits purchased at the Stadium Lot Zone near TU Arena or West Village Garage are not valid on the main campus until after 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Off-Street Reservations

TU campus departments use assigned parking codes through Off-Street to reserve parking for their guest. When a parking access code is used, department guests will not need to display a permit. Off-Street parking is not available through the ParkMobile app. 

Off-Street Reservations Department Guest  Where Do They Park?
Main Campus Department Guest Visitor or Department Guest spaces are available in Union, Glen, Towsontown, and West Village Garages. Additional parking is available in Overflow spaces where "All TU Permits are valid" is displayed at West Village Garage and the stadium lots near TU Arena.
Main Campus Evening Department Guest  Visitor or Department Guest spaces are available at Union, Glen, Towsontown, and West Village Garages. Additional parking is available in Overflow spaces where "All TU Permits are valid" is displayed at West Village Garage and the stadium lots near TU Arena. A permit is only valid after 3 p.m. and valid at the stadium lots or on the main campus.
TU Arena/Stadium/West Village Department Guest Parking is available In the Overflow spaces where "All TU permits are valid" in designated portions in West Village Garage and at the Stadium Lots by TU Arena/Johnny Unitas Stadium (Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8)
TU Arena/Stadium/West Village Evening Department Guest Overflow spaces: Where "All TU permits are valid" in West Village Garage and the stadium lots by TU Arena/Johnny Unitas Stadium (Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8). A permit is only valid after 3 p.m. The permit is only valid at the stadium lots or on the main campus.
Summer Department Guest Locations include Union, Glen, Towsontown, and West Village Garage. There is additional parking in overflow spaces where "All TU Permits are Permitted" at West Village Garage and the stadium lots near TU Arena. 

Note: TU Arena /Stadium/ West Village Evening Department guests may park on the main campus in visitor and department guest spaces at Union, Glen, and Towsontown Garages (only after 3 p.m.). 

For most TU Groups Using Off-Street Online Reservation System:

Sustainable Transportation, Go Green, and Carpool Program participants will use their TU ID# as their Access Code when reserving their parking through Off-Street Reservations. Overnight guests can purchase an Overnight Visitor permit through the ParkMobile App. 

Park Mobile App

Parking & Transportation Services has implemented a new system that allows users to download the ParkMobile app from the App Store or Google Play to purchase a same-day virtual visitor parking permit ahead of time. You must have your license plate information to input into the ParkMobile app.

Please be sure to look for instructional signage in the garages.

Types of Visitors

General Visitor

A general visitor parks in designated visitor or overflow spaces.  General visitors may not park in department visitor guest spaces.  Purchase a parking permit through the ParkMobile app.

Department Guest Visitor  

These are individuals unaffiliated with TU who are visiting campus at the request/invitation of a TU department.  A faculty/staff member will reserve parking through the Off-Street online system before their campus visit.

The department will email the guest a confirmation, including an e-permit with details about where to park on campus. The e-permit does not need to be displayed to park on TU's campus. Department guests can park in a visitor or department guest visitor space. Authorized TU faculty/staff may complete and submit the Department Guest Code Request Form online. 

In rare cases, department guests may need to reserve their parking through the Off-Street online system. The guest will receive an access code from the department and be directed to the applicable unique link to obtain their e-permit. Please see the following Off-Street Reservations Dept. Guest DIY Instructions (PDF).

'Green' Visitor

Discounted 'Green' Visitor Permits are offered on hourly, daily, evening, or summer visitor parking permits for EPA-certified SmartWay Elite vehicles. Violators using a Green Permit whose vehicle is not eligible are subject to a $75 fine for improper parking. 

Overnight Visitors

Visitors needing to stay on campus overnight can purchase an Overnight Permit to park at Stadium Lots near Johnny Unitas Stadium and TU Arena (Lots 4, 7, and 8) through the ParkMobile App. Overnight permits are available for purchase after 3 p.m. and are valid for 24 hours from purchase. The price is $18.

401/Armory Visitors

Visitors to 401 Washington Ave and the Armory can access parking at public parking garages. Please see the following 401 WA and Armory Parking Map (PDF) for parking locations. 

Center for the Arts patrons 

CFA patrons should follow the posted parking signage to corresponding campus lots or garages upon arrival.