Procurement Department

The Procurement Department purchases goods and services using best value practices while working collaboratively to meet the needs of customers.

In support of Towson University's mission, the Procurement Department will:

  • Establish and administer contracts effectively.
  • Procure goods and services for best value and in a timely manner.
  • Delegate procurement authority using the Purchasing Card Program to promote efficiency.
  • Support the State of Maryland's Minority Business Enterprise, Small Business and Veteran Business Programs as well as the Federal Small and Disadvantaged Business Programs.
  • Participate in campus sponsored community outreach.
  • Utilize technology to streamline business processes.
  • Ensure university business is conducted in a fair and open environment and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 

Exciting Stratus News!

We are excited to announce that significant improvements have come to the Stratus user experience!  


Oracle’s newly released Redwood technology innovation resulted in the replacement of the current “classic” Stratus purchase requisition module with the new Stratus Responsive Self-Service Procurement (RSSP) requisition module effective 12/11/2024.

You will notice that this new RSSP module brings with it a new look and feel, a simplified and intuitive requisition process and the exciting new enhancements listed below:

  • A more engaging and streamlined user interface redesign where the pages will respond/adapt to the size of the device being utilized allowing a more user-friendly mobile experience.
  • Improved and advanced search filters: Easily find requisitions with refined criteria.​
  • Preview Approvers: Users can see approval workflow BEFORE submission​.
  • Insert Ad-hoc Approvers: Requesters can insert ad hoc approver(s) for a requisition during checkout​.
  • Approvers can modify requisitions: Approvers now have the option to edit a requisition if something is incorrect when they get the notification to approve instead of having to reject and send it back.​
  • Enhanced Status Tracking: Clearer visibility into requisition status​.
  • Guided Journeys: We were able to embed documentation and/or videos into the pages to help users with the requisition process.

The Redwood technology also resulted in a new look to the Stratus homepage. You will notice a new green background color while the various icons and scrolling menu remain unchanged. Note: No other application in Stratus besides the purchase requisitions module has changed. 


A big thank you to our Stratus team, Procurement, OTS, as well as the Change Champions across various campus departments who were involved with testing the new RSSP requisition module and providing feedback! 

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and was instrumental in the development of the training resources which can be found on Procurement's website. We have also created a Video Guide to help you learn the new RSSP requisition process.

If you have any questions or issues, we ask that you utilize the Tech Help System and select Software & Applications/Stratus. For questions, use the option Submit a Request/Question. For issues, use the option Report a Stratus Problem. The advantage of the tech help system is that you can view the status of your ticket at any time and receive live updates.

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to move TU forward in Stratus. 

Gina Peach
Director Financial Systems and Technology

Dominic Edet
Acting Director, Procurement

Purchasing Guidelines

TU’s faculty and staff play an important role in maintaining our sound financial footing.  We ask you to do your part:

  • Limit purchases to those that are essential to our academic mission, health and safety, or essential business operations.
  • Some examples of essential purchases include critical learning tools for students, supplies necessary for the health and safety of the campus community, and purchases needed to implement legislative requirements.  

By finding creative solutions and taking a prudent approach to spending, we can all help TU stay strong.


Electronic Bid Board

For our electronic bid board, please visit Work with TU.

Stratus Financials is TU’s modern business platform and budget planning system.

Access Stratus through MyTU


Helpful Links

National Procurement Websites

USM Procurement Departments

State of Maryland Websites

Web Guides

Federal Websites