Biological Safety
TU's biological safety programs and policies are managed in conjunction with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Our goal is to protect students, faculty, staff, laboratory personnel, and the environment from biohazardous substances and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
We provide information to researchers on biological spill procedures and spill kit materials list (PDF) to aid in quick response to lab accidents. We also provide procedures for conducting lab inspections, environmental room use (PDF), safely disposing of personal sharps (PDF), and properly disposing of infectious/special medical waste (PDF). We provide recommendations to lab personnel who use recombinant DNA for research (PDF).
Our bloodborne pathogens program (PDF) is consistent with TU Policy and OSHA standards for controlling exposure in the incidence of a blood spill. We also offer specific recommendations on blood spills and trauma scenes (PDF).
Biological Safety Cabinet Use
Instructions (PDF) | Videos: Animation | Airflow | Preparation | Use | Work Conclusion
Animal & Vivarium Safety
We encourage compliance with university policy regarding animals on campus and in
their appropriate care and use in laboratories with respect to IACUC. Please see related
guidance in the hyperlinks below:
Animals on Campus Policy | Guidelines for Animals in University Buildings (PDF) | IACUC | IACUC Procedures (PDF) | Occupational Health Program (PDF) | Vivarium Safety (PDF)
Biological Agents and Toxins
New regulations have been enacted governing the use, handling and transfer of select agents. These are certain bacteria, viruses, toxins and nucleic acids that have been determined
to have the potential to pose a severe threat to human, animal and/or plant health
or to animal and/or plant products. The US Patriot Act places restrictions on who
can possess select agents. In compliance with the Public Health Security Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, all faculty planning to use a select agent must notify Environmental Health and
Safety prior to receiving/shipping the select agent. The Department of Health and
Human Services and the Department of Agriculture provide additional regulations on
select agents via 42 CFR Part 73, 9 CFR Part 121 and 7 CFR 331.
Exclusions to certain select agent regulations may apply to an attenuated strain of select biological agent or toxin that does not pose a severe
threat to public health and safety, animal health, or animal products. Such agents will be subject to these regulations if there is a reintroduction of factor(s)
associated with virulence, toxic activity, or other manipulations that modify the
attenuation such that virulence or toxic activity is restored or enhanced. In addition,
excluded select agent strains or modified toxins are not exempt from the requirements
of other applicable regulations or guidelines (e.g., NIH guidelines, USDA/APHIS permits,