Occupational Safety

We aim to make Towson University a safe and healthy place to work. In conjunction with campus employees and contractors, we conduct inspections and hazard assessments to eliminate and/or control occupational risks. We especially focus on office and workplace safety (PDF), ladder safety (PDF), the proper use of personal protective equipment (PDF), aerial platforms (PDF), and forklifts (PDF). We also have dedicated programs for respiratory protection (PDF), hearing conservation (PDF), and confined spaces (PDF). Additional safety programs, policies and guidance are listed below:

Asbestos Management

Fact Sheet (PDF) | Locations (PDF) | Plan (PDF) | Program (PDF)

Ergonomics Guidelines

Computer Workstations (PDF) | Laboratories (PDF) | Proper Lifting (PDF)

Excavation/Trenching Information

Trenching & Shoring Plan (PDF) | OSHA Quick Card | Soil Classification Video | Trenching Video

Heat Stress Information

Heat Stress and Heat Illness Prevention Program (PDF) | MOSH | OSHA Poster (PDF) | OSHA Brochure (PDF)

Other Guidance

Occupational Safety Training

Environmental Health and Safety provides dedicated training on forklift trucks, hearing conservation, heat stress, respiratory protection, and lockout/tagouts. Training on ladder safety, aerial lifts, and entry into confined spaces is available by request. Contact or call 410-704-2949 to request a training session.

Training is also provided through a collaboration with Vector Solutions using their SafeColleges platform. Those with a Towson login can access training assigned to them or browse through the SafeColleges catalog

We recommend that employees requiring respiratory protection for their job duties watch videos to learn respiratory safety and discern the difference between respirators and surgical masks. Healthcare workers should also watch respiratory protection for healthcare workers.