Web Conferencing Tools

Towson University offers web-conferencing, lecture capture and a-synchronous collaboration tools. 

Web Conferencing Tools


Webex Meetings, Webex (formerly Webex Teams) and your Personal Meeting Room allow you to virtually meet with other people from any location. With a host account, you have access to your virtual conference space or you can schedule a meeting using a unique URL. Other features include messaging, file sharing, white boarding. You can use Meetings on your desktop or across mobile devices (Android and iOS).


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, meeting recordings, and live chat. You can use Zoom on your desktop or across mobile devices (Android and iOS).

Lecture Capture


Panopto is TU's easy-to-use and flexible instructional recording package, and can be used from a computer or mobile device. It integrates closely with Blackboard allowing faculty to easily share content online. Panopto also allows for live streaming events, communications, and lectures with the ability to record as it is broadcasting. 

A-Synchronous Collaboration


VoiceThread is an online collaboration and discussion platform in Blackboard. You can easily comment and respond with audio, video, or text; upload media (images, videos, presentations, etc.) for discussion; and create graded or ungraded assignments. The instructional uses for VoiceThread include student presentation, online discussions, foreign language assignments, and more. 

TU's has conferencing tool options to fit your academic or business needs.

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