Senators have opportunities to be involved in several Staff Senate committees and additional shared governance committees.
Executive Board
Consisting of the TUSS-elected chair, past chair, vice chair, treasurer, secretary, and communications officer. The Executive Board provides leadership for the operation of the Senate by preparing agendas for and conducting TUSS meetings, maintaining meeting minutes and budget reports, and serving on committees.
Staff Senate Committees
All staff members are invited to join the Awards and Events and Engagement Committees. If interested, please email
Awards Committee
Engages, publicizes and supports nominations of TU staff for the Board of Regents (BOR) awards, TU Impact Awards and TU Top Tiger award.
Bylaws Committee
Monitors all Senate bylaws and sees that the Senate is adhering to these documents and suggest revisions as necessary, manages the elections policy document, and annually reviews the bylaws and presents recommended revisions to the Senate.
Communications Committee
Annually establishes a communication plan for the Senate; manages ongoing communication issues, opportunities, and challenges; and proposes for Senate review and approval communication policies and protocols as they pertain to Senate business.
Council of University System Staff (CUSS) Representatives
Three primary and three alternate representatives are elected annually by the Senate to serve on the Council of University System Staff (CUSS).
Election Committee
Makes decisions regarding procedure and results pursuant to the current Election Protocol, and annually reviews the Election Protocol and presents any recommended revisions to the Senate.
Events and Engagement Committee
Proposes and plans staff development events and community-building activities throughout the year. Engages the campus by distributing Staff Senate awards certificates and collecting photos and other media for use by Communication Committee. Promotes campus awareness of TU Staff Senate.
Policy Review Committee
Reviews those proposed policies and policy changes given to them by Human Resources, and requests clarification and revision of TU and USM policies concerning conditions of employment for exempt and non-exempt staff when needed.
Shared Governance Committees
- TU Foundation Board
- Climate Leadership
- Diversity Action Committee
- Resource Planning Allocation Committee